Chapter 8

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Sam was justifiably upset when Dean finally told him. Dean didn't think keeping this kind of news from him would be worth the trouble of Sam finding out the hard way himself later. If he had bad information, he tended to get it out into the open rather than sit on it.

It was something most hunters appreciated about Dean... his blunt manners.

"He had a third son?"

"One that he apparently liked better than us," said Dean bitterly.

"How'd you find out?"

"Mort told me. I asked him if he was sincere about trying to make up for the crap he put us through, but in the process Mort saw Adam and read his mind, then told me. No way am I letting that one slide," said Dean.

He had long since regarded Bobby and Ellen as their parents, but finding out about Adam only cemented that thought. John Winchester was not his father, and he never would be now. It felt good to finally realize that fact.

Sam, Ellen and Bobby knew about Mort, the 'reaper' that visited Dean regularly. So long as he didn't cause trouble, they could care less.

They figured it was some weird legacy left behind by their mother, Mary.

"So what about the car? What did you do with the Impala?" asked Jo. She had come up for moral support the second Dean had that look on his face and needed to talk to Sam.

"Left two grand in the letter stating it was for the car and to consider himself out of our lives for good. I might hunt with him, but he's never getting back into our lives," said Dean flatly.

"So that's where the money in the jar went," said Jo.

Dean kept his tip and poker money in a jar, so he could get the car he wanted later. Jo had wondered why it had vanished after Bobby left, but figured that he had finally bought one.

"Wonder how he reacted finding out that you knew," asked Sam.

"With any luck the bastard had a heart attack and died before Bobby could save him," spat Dean.

"...Think Bobby would give you the money back if he did?" asked Jo. Ever the optimist.

"Knowing dad, probably," said Dean.

To Dean and Jo's open disappointment, he informed them that aside from looking like Dean had somehow slapped him silly with a fish without even being near him, he had taken the hint and left. He did ask what Dean had said that spooked John so badly though.

Learning about Adam just pissed Bobby off more. Yet another Winchester screw-up.

"No way! You got into Stanford?!" said Dean in shock.

It had been years since they cut all ties to John Winchester, and frankly they were glad to be done with it. John never came around the Roadhouse anymore, and when he called he never spoke to Sam or Dean.

At least he could take a hint and let sleeping dogs lie.

Sam looked rather pleased with himself.

"A full ride," he said proudly.

"I'm proud of you baby brother! Any idea what you're going to focus on?" asked Dean.

"I was thinking law. Might as well put all those Latin lessons to some use," said Sam.

"And it keeps you in practice with a dead language that won't tip anyone off to your side studies," said Dean in approval.

The only ones aware that Dean and Sam were half bloods were Bobby, Ellen and Jo. And they wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

There was a reason why Dean and Sam had changed their last name to Harvelle. It was simply too dangerous to use their mother's maiden name when there was a demon after Sam.

"Once I'm settled I'll call you every week," said Sam.

"You better, or I'm coming after your ass to check on you," said Dean only-half joking.

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