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Miles, Mika, and Bose were getting everything ready. Chapa's parents are away for the weekend with Chapa's little sister and they don't trust her being alone after last year's incident. So after some convincing, the gang decided to sleep over.

As Miles was talking, they heard Chapa struggling from across the hall, "This is highly unnecessary!" The trio left the room. There was yellow police tape stuck around Chapa's doorway reading 'DO NOT CROSS'. On one side of the door, Chapa stood inside her room, crossing her arms, looking pretty pissed. On the other side was her father, proudly applying more tape at the entrance of her room. While her younger sister was just watching in pure amusement.

"What's going on here?" Miles asked, nudging Bose and he tried to stop the sly smile that appeared on his face.

"He's what's going on! " Her dad pointed at Bose sharply, "He's sleeping over,".

"What did I do?" Bose threw his hands up offended. " Bose has slept over plenty of times before," Chapa said from the other side. Now Miles and Mika smirked. Getting the picture. "He's never slept over while you two were...exclusive," Mika informed, trying to sound as polite as possible.

 "Exactly!" Her Dad exclaimed. Chapa and Bose looked at each other with bored expressions. "You're being ridiculous Dad! Besides he's staying with the other."

"Yeah! And I can assure you, I'm a good kid," Bose defended himself, " I mean not to brag but I've never had to move my name to red in grade school."

"It never hurts to take extra precautions old man, teenagers are sneaky," Miles said, still smiling. Getting a small yet effective slap on the back from Bose in response.

"Yep. I don't want my little Chappy Wappy to get into naught business." Bose kinda laughed at the nickname. He was definitely going to call her that.

"Dad! I'm 17, I'm going to get into naughty things eventually," Chapa defended. "And since how good things are between me and my Bose. I will get into naughty things with him. It's how human biology works, you should know that."

"Time for dinner!" Mrs. DeSilva was calling as she came downstairs to see the scene in the hallway. "What? Alejandro, get this tacky decor out of my house, and for goodness, leave that boy alone!" She pulled him by the ear and down the other set of stairs.

"Dinner is ready!" She called again. The four teenagers and one child cheered in excitement. Chapa tried to bolt downstairs with the other, but she got caught in the yellow tape and fell over. Bose immediately turned back around to help her.


"No problem."

2:00 a.m

Everyone in the DeSilva household was sound asleep, well, everyone except two people. Bose looked up from his sleeping bag to see if Miles and Mika were still asleep.

He shrugged it off and went back to texting Chapa.

B: Awake?

C: Yep!

B: I know, bummer I can't sit next to you.

Chapa on the other side was under her covers trying her best to hold back her laughter before replying.

C: My parents are gone and my doors are unlocked...

Bose smiled before thinking about what happened earlier.

B: But there's still so many things I wanna do before I die.

This was really thrilling to Chapa. I mean, how was she just supposed to fall asleep when her boyfriend was right in the next room.

B: At least I'll die happy..... on my way

Chapa squealed, quietly got up from her bed, and made her way to the door. Bose put his phone in his pajama pants before sneaking out of the room.

Once he reached the inside of her room, their kiddie giggles were faint, she quickly shut the door and made sure to lock it.

Now that he was here. What exactly was the plan? Chapa took Bose's hand and he happily went along with it. They comfortably got in her bed, Chapa reached for a small night light on her nightstand, then reached over again for the covers, and put it over them.

She turned on the tiny golden light and beamed when Bose's face came back to life. "Hi," Bose whispered. Chapa shuffled a little closer to him, "Hi," Chapa can't remember the last time she was this comfortable in her own bed. That was just what Bose did to her, they were each other's safe space.

Bose wrapped his arm around her waist, making them even closer; if that was even possible. The moment was so still, that they could almost hear the peaceful wind from outside. Chapa closed her eyes and placed her forehead on his. Bose, however, kept his eyes open. Admiring how beautiful she truly is is something he could never pass up.

"Hey, Bose?" Chapa dreamily questioned. He hummed a reply.

"How do you think people see you?" She asked. How did people see him? Bose always paid attention to other people, how they reacted to certain places, to certain people, to certain words...

For most of his life, he kind of felt like an outsider. Now that Chapa had asked him that, it made him wonder from an insider's point of view, what was he like. What did he have to offer?

Chapa's breathing was soft and timed. She brought her hand up and started gently stroking his hair and a little piece of his ear. It relaxed him.

"Well, I can't be that bad if you're lying here with me," he lightheartedly chuckled and Chapa kindly smiled while rolling her eyes. "I get it you're tired but...At least give me a solid answer tomorrow..." She said, getting even more comfortable and slowly falling asleep.

Bose looked at Chapa a while before placing his head on hers and falling asleep.

Bapa one-shot book (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now