Incorrect Quotes P-6

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(Episode: Power Problems Part 2)

Chapa: *Smacks Bose*

Bose: What the heck?!

Chapa: Language Bosey! But how dare you leave me alone for a week?!

Bose: Blame Lillith!

Chapa: Fine!

Bose: Why are you suddenly so mad?!

Chapa: Because I missed you, you stupid cute idiot!

Bose: That's still no reason to yell.

Chapa:....Shut up! *hugs*


Bose: What's the most scariest thing you've experienced?

Chapa: Girls flirting with Brainstorm.

Bose: Why?

Chapa: Because I like him!


Bose: You mean me or is there another Brainstorm is town?

Chapa: *facepalms* 


Mika: Chapa!

Chapa: Yeah?

Mika: Ray needs you!

Chapa: Why?

Mika: Bose is eating sprinkles on butter again....

Chapa: *sighs* I'm in love with an idiot 


Bose: Can I have your number?

Chapa: I don't have a phone!

Bose: How am I suppose to contact you then?

Chapa: Bose....Sweetie, we see each other everyday.


Miles: What's your biggest dream?

Bose: Marry Chapa.

Miles: Alright....What do you wanne be later.

Bose: Chapa's husband.

Miles: *Facepalms*


Mika: So, wait. You have chainsaws in your bedroom?!

Chapa: Yeah...

Mika: Girl! You need a therapist.

Chapa: I already have one.

Mika: Who?

Chapa: Bose.

Mika...Is it even worth questioning this?


Bose: Which nickname is cuter? Sweetie? Honey? Chapie? Chaps? Sugar? Dear? Sunshine?

Chapa: Just call me Chapa!


Chapa: But I like honey, Chapie and sunshine better.


Miles: So, there is this girl that I like and she likes me back but I don't know how to kiss.

Bose: Well, *Grabs Chapa* Let me show you how it's done.

Chapa: Please....

Chapa: No....

Chapa: Just...

Chapa: No


Part Six baby......Those were the last ideas I could think off. Idk if there will be a part seven but if there will be, it won't be published that fast since I'm going to make a new one-shot.

Also I have vacation meaning, I CAN UPDATE AS MUCH AS I WANT.

As for this week, it's no longer on hold.

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