Chapter One

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The wind whistled as it ran violently through the trees, I admired them, though I would never tell anyone that. They had a certain mystery about them and how they could control the world around them. A tree never had to spare any thoughts to other peoples expense. A tree was free to be a tree, and the world would continue such as that. If I were to be a creature of the wind my life would have been so much easier, their ethereal presence guided people to even make the best decisions for themselves.

The tulips in front of my apartment building had been blooming beautifully in order to compliment the light texture of the outside, meaning that people could come and openly admire the beauty of nature. I had taken it upon myself to water them every single time that they needed water. It certainly helped with making sure that I was able to get in a timely routine. I smiled back to myself as I admired the work that I had worked so hard on.

I had to go away today.

It was my first day of university, and I would need to leave the apartment that I had been living in for the past few years with my family. There were so many memories scrolled across the walls of our home - it felt foreign to think that soon I'll be living somewhere completely different for the next few years of my life. We had saved up all the money possible for me to go to the best university possible. My older brother had also gone, and it just seems like it's expected for me to also follow in his footsteps. It's just what parents do, right?

My mother rushed out of the apartment building and smiled at me, her hand reaching up and placing itself onto my cheek. "I'm really going to miss you while you're away, promise to call me a lot whenever you need me?" I nodded and placed my hand over hers. I'll miss having conversations with my mother, and watching movies on Friday nights with her about the most random nonsense that anyone could ever think of. She was a saint, and I didn't know if I would be able to stay away from her for too long.

She was my rock. I admired her, but that was probably because I had been the youngest throughout all of my family. "I'll miss you too, mum. I need to go and get my suitcase, otherwise, I'll be late for meeting Renjun at the station so we can go." I was released from her grasp, I ran up the stairs of the apartment building and to our apartment door. It opened with ease and I went to my bedroom.

The empty white walls stared back at me, all of my posters and decoration for my room had been put into the brown boxes beside my door. It felt weird, unnatural to be leaving just today. I had been friends with Renjun over a long majority of our lives, to think we would both now be able to have some of the best years of our lives together was amazing. We had been attached by the hip as children, and now we would be together even longer as legal adults.

A small sigh came from behind me, I turned and saw my father. He had seen better days, but it never stopped him from ever seeming to be just as strong and admirable as he always was. "I remember the day we had brought you home, you know. You were a tiny little thing. You would not stop screaming the entire journey until we got you inside and you got that damn milk bottle and teddy. You were such a little demon in comparison to your brother – but that never stopped you from always putting a smile onto my face. I am proud of you, Chenle, and I always have been. I hope you know that." My feet moved by themselves, I walked over to one of the greatest men that I have ever known and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you too, but I'll try my best to see if I can come and visit you both from time to time. It'll be weird to not have someone to talk about all the wonders of the world with." I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I couldn't wait to explore the city using my newfound freedom.

I pulled away from my dad and picked up my suitcase and the other boxes that I would need to be taking away with me to the university. "Do you think that you still want to get the train to the university, I and your mother really don't mind taking you there? We could even pick up Renjun on the way." I shook my head.

"Please don't bother, we want to be able to get there by ourselves. Think of it as our first step away from home and into society as fully grown adults." I smiled at him, I wanted to be able to prove that I was just as responsible as they were.

Even if it was mildly wrong.

The suitcase was sat beside the front door - I made sure that I had every single piece of my items before I hugged both of my parents and walked out of the door.

It was going to be a good day.

A new Chenle.

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