Chapter Fourteen

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As I raced through the city streets, my heart pounded like a drum, each beat echoing my urgency. Jisung's drunken escapades always spelt trouble, and tonight seemed no different. The worry gnawed at my mind as I imagined the chaos he might have unleashed. The city's neon lights blurred into streaks of colour as I sprinted, dodging pedestrians and weaving through traffic. My thoughts raced faster than my feet, imagining all the worst-case scenarios that could have unfolded. Finally, I reached the bar where Jisung and Jaemin were supposed to be. The air outside was heavy with tension, a palpable sense of unease lingering around the dimly lit entrance. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the fray.

The atmosphere inside was charged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The dim lights cast long shadows across the room, and the low murmur of conversation filled the air. The inside of the bar was a dimly lit sanctuary from the bustling city outside. Soft, amber-hued lights bathed the room in a warm glow, casting shadows that danced across the walls and floor. The air was thick with the mingling scents of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and the faint aroma of sizzling food from the kitchen. A long, polished mahogany bar stretched along one side of the room, its surface gleaming under the soft light. Behind it, rows of gleaming bottles stood like sentinels, their labels reflecting the ambient glow. Bartenders moved with practised efficiency, expertly mixing cocktails and pouring drinks for the patrons seated on high-backed stools.

The rest of the space was filled with a mismatched assortment of tables and booths, each illuminated by flickering candles encased in stained glass lanterns. The decor was eclectic yet inviting, with vintage posters adorning the walls alongside neon signs and framed black-and-white photographs. The hum of conversation filled the air, punctuated by bursts of laughter and the occasional clink of glasses. Groups of friends huddled together, their voices rising and falling in animated conversation, while solitary figures nursed their drinks in quiet contemplation.

As my eyes scanned the crowd, I spotted Jaemin at the bar, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration. My heart sank as I didn't see Jisung anywhere. Panic clawed at my chest, threatening to overwhelm me. I pushed through the crowd, searching desperately for any sign of my friend. Then, amidst the dimly lit chaos, I caught sight of him. Jisung was slumped over in a corner booth, his cheeks flushed and his words slurred. Relief flooded through me, followed swiftly by anger at his reckless behaviour.

I made my way over to him, ignoring the stares and whispers that followed in my wake. As I reached his side, I could see the guilt etched into his features, a stark contrast to his usual carefree demeanour.

"Jisung," I said, my voice stern but laced with concern. "What have you done?"

He looked up at me with tired eyes, and for a moment, I saw the vulnerability hidden beneath his bravado. "I'm sorry, Chenle," he mumbled, his words barely audible over the din of the bar. "I messed up."

As I stood by Jisung's side, trying to steady him, Jaemin approached us with urgency etched on his face. His usual easygoing demeanour was replaced by a tense expression, his eyes darting between Jisung and me.

"Chenle," Jaemin said, his voice low but urgent, "we need to get out of here. Jisung got into a fight, and the bartender's only letting us stay until you came to get him."

Shock rippled through me at Jaemin's words, mingling with the sinking feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. I glanced at Jisung, whose gaze was unfocused, his expression a mixture of guilt and confusion.

"Come on, Jisung," I said, wrapping an arm around his waist to steady him. "Let's get you out of here."

With Jaemin's help, we navigated our way through the crowded bar, dodging curious stares and whispered gossip. The tension in the air seemed to thicken with every step we took as if the walls themselves were closing in around us. As we emerged into the cool night air, a sense of relief washed over me, accompanied by a wave of exhaustion. The streets were deserted now, the chaos of the city reduced to a distant murmur. I hailed a taxi, and together we climbed inside, the weight of the night settling heavily upon us.

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