Chapter Eight

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As I stepped out of the lecture hall, the weight of the day seemed to lift off my shoulders, leaving me with only the echoes of the professor's words and the familiar weight of my copy of "Wuthering Heights" in my hands. The crisp autumn air greeted me as I made my way through the bustling campus, the chatter of students fading into the background as I found a quiet spot to sit and collect my thoughts.

These past few days since the motorcycle accident with Jisung have been nothing short of surreal. It's like everything has shifted, taking on a new hue of significance. Jisung, who used to be more reserved, has been opening up to me, especially at night. We've had conversations that I never imagined we would, about dreams, fears, and even our favourite passages from literature.

But amidst these newfound moments of connection, there's also a lingering tension. Every time I tend to his wounds, I can't help but feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. It's as if the accident has opened a door to a different kind of understanding between us, one that we're both hesitant to fully explore.

As I flip through the pages of my book, I find myself drawn into the tumultuous world of Heathcliff and Catherine, their passionate love and destructive impulses mirroring the complexities of my own emotions. It's a stark reminder that sometimes, the most profound connections come from the most unexpected places, even amidst chaos and pain.

With a sigh, I close the book and tuck it under my arm, ready to face whatever twists and turns lie ahead. Whatever happens between Jisung and me, I know that these moments, fraught with uncertainty and possibility, will shape us in ways we can't yet imagine. And perhaps, in the end, it's the journey itself that holds the most meaning.

As I sat there lost in my thoughts, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, pulling me back to reality. Looking up, I saw Renjun, his silvery hair catching the autumn breeze, flowing wildly around him like a halo of moonlight.

"Hey, Chenle, what's up?" Renjun greeted me with a warm smile, settling down beside me.

"Hey, Renjun," I replied, returning the smile. "Just finished my last lecture for the day. How about you?"

Renjun shrugged, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Same old, same old. Classes, assignments, the usual. But hey, at least we're one step closer to the weekend, right?"

I chuckled in agreement, grateful for the familiar banter that eased the tension in the air. "Definitely. Can't wait to have a break."

Renjun glanced at the book in my hands, his curiosity evident. "So, what's got you diving into 'Wuthering Heights' again?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to share. But Renjun had always been a good listener, someone I could trust. "Just trying to lose myself in some classic literature, you know? Helps me unwind after a long day."

He nodded understandingly, a knowing glint in his eyes. "I get it. Sometimes, escaping into another world is the best way to deal with reality."

The wind picked up, rustling the pages of my book and tousling Renjun's hair even more. "Speaking of reality, how's Jisung doing?" Renjun asked, his voice softening with concern.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "He's...he's getting there. Physically, he's healing, but I think emotionally, it's been rough on him. We've been talking more lately, though."

Renjun gave me a reassuring smile, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that. You're a good friend, Chenle. Just keep being there for him, okay?"

I nodded gratefully, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders at Renjun's words. "Thanks, Renjun. I appreciate it."

"Are you heading home for the Halloween break?" Renjun asked, breaking the tranquil silence that had settled between us.

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