Chapter Five

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The rest of the day ran as smoothly as it could - going from door to door trying to collect all of the books I would need for the semester. Who knew that it would be so hard to find a copy of Wuthering Heights. I already had acquired Pride & Prejudice, which was the most difficult so far.

Wuthering Heights had put it to shame - I was already 20 minutes into my search. It was only the first day, surely everyone can't have already raided the books that are needed. Then again; people do still read for pleasure. I hoped to have gathered the books before tomorrow, so I wouldn't have to ask anyone to share with me.

It wouldn't hurt to ask to share, though.

I sauntered back down the barren hallway, which was already emptied. All of the schools' classes had finished for the rest of the day - apart from the night school that ran for those who couldn't attend during the day. The way that people described it the students sounded like absolute vampires.

Could you blame them?

Waking up so early in the day is extremely exhausting - and it's only my first day. Having to get through each of the classes will begin to drag on further and further. Great.

My phone vibrated with a notification since I had put it on silent mode for class. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and looked at the message from Renjun.

Moomin: Hey, where are you? I thought you would be back at your dorm room by now :(

Moomin: I knocked on the door and Jisung told me to piss off cuz you weren't there

Me: oh, sorry

Me: I was looking around the school to try and get my books together for the semester, it's been a pain to try and find Wuthering Heights.

Moomin: Maybe ask Jisung >:)

Me: ...bro, maybe that's not such a terrible idea, but in class today he seemed to be in a bad mood

Moomin: Good luck!

Me: thanks?

I switched my phone back off and slid it into my pocket, walking to the exit of the building. Rain poured down in fat drops, mercilessly assaulting the ground. The one day that I didn't decide to bring an umbrella to class and it's raining.

I guess it shouldn't be too bad if it doesn't get heavier by the time I get back to the dorms.

"Have you never seen heavy rain before?" I looked up from the floor, my eyes meeting Jisungs'.

"Well, yes. I just forgot my umbrella so I wasn't sure if to wait until it settled down or to chance to have to run all the way back to the dorm." I replied softly.

He sighed and pushed the umbrella he was holding into my hands. Our hands brushed one another for only a second, but I could feel the warmth almost instantaneously. "Take it, you'll get sick if you just walk through the rain with just your t-shirt and jeans. I don't want to have to listen to you sniffle all night."

I frowned as I looked at the plain black umbrella. "But then wouldn't you get sick if you walked through the rain, being as heavy as it is?" My eyes averted back to looking at him.

"I'll be fine, but if you're so worried," Jisung chuckled, "Then I guess we'll just have to share the umbrella on the walk home. Kinda sucks how you're smaller though."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow as he took the umbrella back off of me and stepped out of the doorway, opening it fully.

Jisung smiled as he looked around the rainy campus. "It just means that I'm going to have to hold the umbrella instead of you. My poor wrist."

I stepped out of the building and under the umbrella, putting my arms around my torso to keep as much heat in as possible. The rain also meant that it was absolutely freezing. "Let's hurry and get back to the dorms, I have a copy of Wuthering Heights to search for still," I mumbled to him.

"I have a spare." Jisung glanced down at me.

I smiled, we were finally starting to get along.

We walked through the rain together - side by side, talking about the most random nonsense.

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