Chapter Three

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We had gone through the reception of the university already, trying to find out what rooms we were in as fast as we could. I just wanted to be able to put my suitcase down somewhere - it was starting to make my wrist throb from the weight of it.

The woman behind the desk looked friendly enough, black hair rolled down shoulder-length from her head. Her eyes were a soft shade of brown, she was extremely beautiful, to say the least. She smiled as she handed me the room key, the one that I would be staying in for the rest of my time here. "Room 274, Mr Zhong."

"Thank you very much," I replied and walked back over to where Renjun was sat on the Sacramento-coloured sofas.

"What room did you get?" He stood up as quickly as he had sat down, looking at me expectantly. I knew he had wanted for us to be roomed together, but he was in room 452, two floors above me.

"Room 274," Renjun's face dropped and he looked to the floor disappointedly, "But listen, that means we have the chance to be able to meet new people. It will be a great opportunity to make new friends. So don't look so gloomy."

I smiled at Renjun and pulled him by his wrist towards the elevators. This is the least of what we could have from all of the travellings we've had to deal with all today. It makes my head spin to think of having to make our way even more today. To be honest - I couldn't imagine myself doing much other than taking my books out of my suitcase and laying in my bed. Even having to go downstairs and find somewhere to have dinner seems like so much work.

Call me lazy.

Renjun and I walked into the elevator, pushing our floor buttons simultaneously.

"It'll be weird to not have you around, considering how many times you came and stayed over at my house. I doubt that any of that will happen here - unless you want to come over and play games?" Renjun tilted his head, questioning me.

I was brought back to all of the times at his house that we would run around doing all of the most destructive acts we could. I wanted to steal all of the brownies again, they were possibly some of the best ones I had ever tasted. It would be a while before we would go back to Renjun's house again, though, this will have to serve as our new home: and there are no extra chocolate brownies here.

"Of course, who else will continue to beat your ass mercilessly at all of them?" I smirked at Renjun, turning my head to look at the opening elevator doors again. "I'll see you later for dinner maybe."

I waved goodbye to him and walked out of the elevator. The keys read "274", I walked along the hallway groggily. My legs hurt - but I would need to hurry up if I wanted to sit down. 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274. It was this exact door.

Of course, the door itself looked somehow older than the rest of them - possibly covered in the marks of the history behind it. It looked as ancient as the university, while the rest of the doors had been all replaced new. How comes they had left this exact door in this condition? I guess I shouldn't ask questions right off of the bat.

I pushed the key inside of the lock and twisted it. Despite the age of the door, it still opened with such ease. The handle was smooth against my skin, and I opened it. The room was light and airy, despite there only being one large window at the centre of the wall.

I walked inside and dropped my suitcase down on the left side of the room. There was a boy in there, I couldn't exactly call him a boy. He looked to be slightly smaller than I was. A book covered his face as he slept. It was quite sweet, and I wished that I could do the same. Tiredness began to take over my senses, I took my shoes off as I laid back onto what appeared to be my own bed.

My eyes closed, and I drifted into a peaceful nothingness.


"Wake up." A voice stirred me from my peaceful sleep.

I groaned and turned on my side, pressing my face into my pillow to try and get the voice to leave me alone. I just want to sleep. Is that so hard for people to understand?

"I said wake up, dipshit." The voice pulled the blanket and pillow from my grasp. A gentle thud was heard as they dropped from my bed and onto the floor.

My eyes opened, and stood beside my bed could possibly have been the most attractive man to ever have existed. Was I still dreaming? There's a good chance that I was. "Huh?" I questioned, still in a slight daze from only just waking up. The room was slightly dark - the sun must have gone down not too long ago.

"Well good morning sunshine, you're quite the pain in the ass to have to wake up. I guess we should just get introductions out of the way already. I'm Jisung, what's your name?" His voice was stern and cold. I felt like I was being told off for something that I didn't do.


"So I guess you were assigned to this room then since all of your stuff has been dropped off carelessly by your bed." He glanced down at my suitcase and backpack before walking to his own bed, sitting down. "I guess we're going to need some rules put into place then. First of all, no bringing girls back here unless you've told me before - though I don't really think that's going to be a problem anyway. Secondly, I'd prefer it if you kept to yourself, just because we're roommates doesn't mean that we need to be friends. Thirdly, keep your side of the room clean. I don't want to clean up after some 18 years old, who clearly must have had some sort of intelligence to get into here in the first place. Do you understand?"

I nodded and sat up quickly, picking my blanket and pillow off of the floor and dusting them off. My phone lit up with notifications, probably from Renjun. I placed my blanket and pillow back on my bed and neatened them up.

Moomin: Hey

Moomin: Chenle?

Moomin: Oi Dolphin, where are you?

Moomin: Mf did you fall asleep or something??


Moomin: You're lucky I forgot your room number or I would come to drag your ass to dinner.

I smiled at the messages and messaged him back - hoping that he would forgive me.

Me: oops, is it too late for dinner?

Moomin: It's literally 10pm... your ass sleeps like a brick

Moomin: Is your roommate nice?

Nice? He makes me want to run and jump out of the window.

Mum always told me to never judge someone based on their cover, like a good book. Who would be able to tell the characters' stories even after it's over if they were completely judged off of how their cover is?

Me: He's intimidating :(

Moomin: Just be nice, and maybe he won't eat you

Me: Wtf Moomin, you've been watching too many horror movies

Moomin: No? Bruh, just go to sleep

Moomin: Tell me your room number and I'll come to wake your dumb ass up for classes in the morning.

Me: Room 274, don't be scared if he answers the door

Me: Nighty night Moomin <3

Moomin: Night Dolphin

I turned my phone back off and laid back down, my back turned to Jisung. If I didn't snore then maybe he wouldn't brutally murder me in my sleep.

The slam of the door confirmed my suspicions, he had left. This means that at least I won't have to worry about being murdered when I'm not even unconscious for it.

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