Chapter Seven

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My heart leapt into my throat as I saw Jisung approaching, blood tracing a treacherous path down the side of his head. Without a second thought, I catapulted out of my seat in the dining area, my pulse racing with alarm. Renjun and Haechan's concerned expressions mirrored my own as I hurried over to him, my feet carrying me with urgency.

"Jisung, what happened?" I blurted out, my voice fraught with worry. His breaths came in heavy, ragged gasps, and his eyes held a mix of pain and distress as he tried to steady himself.

"I... I was in a motorcycle accident," he managed to utter, the words weighed down by the gravity of the situation. My heart clenched at the revelation, fear knotting my stomach as I reached out to steady him, my hands trembling with the intensity of my concern. Jisung's once pristine outfit now lay in tatters, the fabric torn and stained with dirt and blood, a stark testament to the violence of the accident. His shirt bore rips and tears, revealing glimpses of bruised skin beneath, while his jeans were shredded at the knees, the denim frayed and worn from the impact. Even his shoes, once gleaming with polish, were scuffed and scuffed, the leather marred by the rough asphalt.

But it was Jisung himself who bore the brunt of the damage. His face was streaked with dirt and blood, the scrapes and bruises standing out starkly against his pale skin. A gash ran along the side of his head, the blood still trickling down his temple in a macabre trickle, while his hands were scraped and raw from where he had braced himself against the fall. As I looked at him, my heart clenched with a mixture of concern and dread. If Jisung looked this beaten up, I couldn't bear to imagine the state of his motorcycle. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a cold knot of apprehension settling in the pit of my stomach. But for now, all I could do was focus on getting Jisung the help he needed, praying silently that he would swiftly recover from this ordeal.

With a sense of determination fueled by concern, I gently draped an arm around Jisung's shoulders, offering him whatever support I could muster. Ignoring the stares of those around us, my focus remained solely on guiding Jisung out of the dining room, away from prying eyes and whispered murmurs. As we made our way through the room, I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on us, the crack in Jisung's motorcycle helmet serving as a stark reminder of the danger he had narrowly escaped. Despite the gravity of the moment, I remained steadfast, determined to see Jisung through this ordeal with unwavering support.

Outside the confines of the dining room, the cool air offered a welcome respite from the suffocating tension within. With each step, I could sense Jisung beginning to steady himself, his breathing gradually becoming more even as he leaned into my side for support. Once we were a safe distance away, I turned to face him, my gaze unwavering as I sought to reassure him with a small, understanding smile. "I'm here for you, Jisung," I said softly, my voice filled with sincerity. "Whatever you need, we'll get through this together."

Caught up in the urgency of the moment, I had completely forgotten about Renjun and Haechan still lingering in the dining hall. My singular focus remained on Jisung, guiding him towards the parking lot with a determined stride.

"We need to get you to the hospital, Jisung," I insisted, my voice tinged with worry. But Jisung shook his head adamantly, his expression pained yet resolute.

"I don't want to go to the hospital," he muttered through clenched teeth, each movement causing him to wince in discomfort. "I just want to go back to our room. You can patch me up, Chenle."

His words gave me pause, uncertainty flickering in my eyes as I weighed the options before us. The logical part of me screamed for professional medical attention, but the bond of trust between us demanded that I honour Jisung's wishes. Reluctantly, I nodded, a sense of determination settling over me as I squared my shoulders. "Okay, Jisung," I replied softly, my voice tinged with resolve. "Let's get you back to our room. I'll do whatever I can to help."

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