Chapter Ten

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As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my slumber, greeted by the gentle chirping of birds outside. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I stretched languidly, feeling the pleasant ache in my muscles from last night's adventure with Jisung. Memories of our impromptu trip to the meadow flooded my mind, a kaleidoscope of laughter and whispered conversations under the starlit sky. The drive back was a blur of endless chatter, our voices merging into a symphony of laughter and shared secrets. It felt like time ceased to exist as we delved into the depths of our thoughts, lost in the rhythm of our friendship.

Turning my head, I expected to see Jisung still sound asleep in the bed beside me, his tousled hair splayed across the pillow. But he was nowhere to be found, his absence a silent reminder of his morning routine. I couldn't help but smile, knowing him well enough to predict that he was probably out for his morning run, chasing the sunrise with his boundless energy. I never understood where he managed to get this energy from, however, I was grateful to have the room to myself even for one moment. I think I would've died a little trying to get dressed in front of him.

I slipped out of bed, the warmth of the covers reluctantly releasing me into the cool morning air. Padding across the room, I grabbed a fresh set of clothes from the dresser, feeling the soft fabric between my fingers as I dressed. With a glance towards the empty bed that Jisung had vacated, I couldn't suppress a fond chuckle, imagining him bounding through the park, his laughter echoing through the trees as he chased the dawn.

Leaving our room, I made my way to the bathroom, the familiar scent of Jisung's shampoo lingering in the air. Turning on the faucet, I splashed my face with water, feeling the cool liquid wash away the remnants of sleep. Grabbing my toothbrush, I squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto the bristles, the minty freshness awakening my senses as I brushed away the traces of last night's adventures. The rhythmic motion of my hand was soothing, a comforting ritual that grounded me in the present moment.

As I rinsed my mouth, I caught sight of myself in the mirror, the reflection of a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Today was a new day, full of endless possibilities, and I couldn't wait to seize it with both hands. With a final rinse, I turned off the faucet, the silence of the bathroom enveloping me like a warm embrace. Stepping back into the hallway, I felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins, eager to see Jisung once he was back from his run.

As I walked back to our dorm room, the familiar number '274' greeted me, its silver digits gleaming against the polished wood. Just as I reached our door, Renjun's voice cut through the air, calling out to me from down the hall. Turning, I saw him jogging towards me, a smile lighting up his face as he waved in greeting.

"Chenle, hey!" Renjun exclaimed, his eyes bright with excitement. "Have you seen Jisung? I heard he went out for a morning run."

I nodded, returning his smile. "Yeah, he's probably still out there, chasing the sunrise like he always does."

Renjun chuckled, a fondness evident in his expression. "That sounds like him, alright. Always full of energy. Hey, Chenle. I forgot to mention to you that Haechan has decided to run for student president since they're going to be doing elections soon. He'd come into office in the new year – so we should start getting everything ready now, it would mean a lot to him and me if you could come to support us."

"That's great news about Haechan!" I exclaimed, a smile spreading across my face. "He's always had a way with words. I'm sure he'll make an excellent president."

Renjun nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! He's got big plans for the student body, and I think he'll do an amazing job. Plus, having our support will mean a lot to him."

I paused for a moment, considering Renjun's invitation. The thought of showing my support for Haechan filled me with a sense of pride – not just for him, but for our entire friend group and the camaraderie we shared.

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