Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning to loud banging coming from the door. It held no surprise to me either that my phone had been spammed with hundreds of messages from Renjun. He had no chill when it came to being on time to classes - I thought that he would have calmed down after realising his mother wouldn't be here to obsess over his attendance.

That wouldn't be the case.

He was even more persistent than usual. It may be because it was the first day of university - Renjun wants to make a good first impression on our peers.

I sat up from my bed and looked over to Jisung, his pillow covering his face, his hands scrunched harshly into the delicate fabric of the pillowcase. He was mad.

"Please hurry up and get your little friend to shut up with the banging. He's been doing this for the past ten minutes, my patience is thinning. So unless you want him to walk around with a black eye on the first day I suggest you get your ass out of bed." Jisung's voice was harsh, much like it was yesterday.

I stood up from my bed and shrugged on a cardigan. My outfit from the other day wasn't dirty, and nor did it smell. It seemed to be with the way that Renjun was knocking on the door that it wouldn't be long before Jisung snapped at him. Would he snap though?

His aura was dark - full of sorrow, and anger.

"Why are you standing there looking dumbfounded? Hurry up and leave." He sneered at me. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out of the doorway. Renjun and I met face-to-face, Jisung slammed the door harshly behind me.

"So I'm guessing that he isn't the type of roommate that would invite you to breakfast then?" Renjun's eyebrows knitted together, he stared past me and looked at the splintering door.

"Not at all," I sighed, "What's your roommate like then? You didn't get to tell me about him."We began to walk down the hallway. The classroom didn't seem that far away if you thought about it. I dreaded the feeling that we would be sat there forever - and not being able to be in nature.

"My roommate is much nicer than yours, for starters," Renjun smiled sheepishly, Lucky sod, "His name is Haechan, he offered for me to go to breakfast with him when we were both awake. I think that you would like him. As you said; we need to be making more friends while we're here. Plus it's always nice to get to know your roommates."

I nodded.

It would be nice to also get to know Jisung seeing as we'll be sharing the same room the next year. Unless he decides to join a fraternity, that's what all of the Americans seem to be doing at least.

"I guess it wouldn't be too bad to get to know them. Did you get your breakfast with Haechan then, Moomin?" I tilted my head, smiling at him.

He was too sweet to have to room with someone such as the likes of Jisung. Renjun may as well have just cried as soon as he entered that room - what a sweetheart.

"No, I didn't. I said that you would probably be fast asleep - he understood that I promised to come and wake you up in the morning. Did it work?" Renjun questioned.

"Surprisingly it did. In the works, though, you also woke up Jisung. You're lucky that he didn't walk out of that room and give you a piece of his mind. He was annoyed that you destroyed his beauty sleep. Maybe you should try and be more subtle with your methods." I chuckled slightly: thinking back to the moment.

We stopped once we had reached Renjun's classroom. I smiled at him - even though he looked like a nervous wreck.

"Stop looking like you want to run away so much. We're here - and we're not going back home until we're done. You're going to do fine, I believe in you." I spoke confidently, trying to make Renjun feel even the smallest bit better.

"Thank you, little dolphin boy. A language degree is going to be so hard." He pouted as he walked into the classroom.

I couldn't deny how it sucked to not be in the same class as Renjun. There were times when I wish we could always be able to hang out. It was never a dull moment with him running around screaming about some new contraption.

My English degree called me, I wanted to be able to read all of the most interesting novels they had to offer. There was always the plus of being able to listen to a variety of different opinions on controversial subjects.

I knew that the course would not be easy - I'd have to be a fool to believe that it was. However, I was willing to try my best and achieve as high as I could in my class. My old school believed that I was talented in the subject. The teachers constantly told us how the university was much different to high school, but I would adapt. My parents counted on me to be able to get my degree.

The lecture hall wasn't too hard to find. The building it was situated in was easily laid out, which was good for my brain. I shouldn't forget where it was then.

My memory is pretty much useless for remembering directions.

I wandered into the room and found an empty seat towards the front of the room. The lecture hall was too large to sit towards the back, I wouldn't be able to see anything if I were there. People must have really good eyesight to sit back there. Unless they don't care about the work.

Fair enough, it's their future: not mine.

People poured into the hall one after the other through the different selections of doors. I don't think that I've ever seen so many people in a singular room. Then again, the town's population we had come from was possibly barely double the number of people in here now.

The person I'm using that is the professor walked to the front of the room and placed their suitcase down on the red oak desk.

"Please settle down everyone, I would like to congratulate you on choosing English Literature for your university courses. It's nice to see that people are still avid readers and curious about the world of books. My name is Professor Green," The woman smiled. "It could take forever but I would like us to all go around and say our names and one thing about ourselves. It wouldn't be fair to go straight onto the coursework on the first day."

She started at the front of the room, going around from the far left row to the far right. Then she proceeded to continue the process until it reached me.

"Hello, my name is Zhong Chenle, and I guess something cool about me is that I have a passion for cooking." Everyone's eyes were on me when I spoke. Professor Green looked happy with my response and moved on to the next person.

It continued to go around the same mindless circle over and over again.

"It's Park Jisung, and I like to play soccer." He shrugged and looked around the room again.

Jisung in English Literature? He seemed to be more of the person to go into politics - with the amount of threatening he likes to do when someone has woken him up from his slumber. It was quite obvious that he wanted to get out of the classroom as soon as possible.

It bored him.

"Jisung, do you feel that you've chosen the right course?" Professor Green questioned him, standing up from her desk and walking towards the front row of students.

"Of course Professor Green, why wouldn't I?" He grimaced, barely looking her in the face.

"Thank you Jisung, next person please." She moved along - ignoring him for the rest of the lecture.

There was quite a chance that he would still be in the same sour mood later. The day still looked hopeful to be able to get to know his character properly.

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