Shouldn't THE Louis Tomlinson be partying right now?

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Christmas at Hogwarts. What could possibly be worse than this?

Louis is pissed. He strolls down the school hallway on his way to the dungeon. He kicks some columns from time to time when he passes dark ornament-covered doors, paintings on the walls and windows with, what some would say, the most beautiful view in the world. Well, he thinks it's awful. Everything here is. He hates this old fucking building, those itchy ugly robes they have to wear all day, his fucking wand that sometimes seems to be possessed and, as cherry on top, he hates the fucking professors. He's twice as smart as them and every time he shows his knowledge and skill, he's somehow a "mannerless brat who is a danger to all". Right at this moment he hates everything around him and wants to scream.

Or cry. Possibly the latter but he won't admit it because now he enters the Slytherin dormitory and he'll be damned if he starts to cry in front of his snake brothers.

-What did the old cow say? - asks Oli. The ginger-haired kid whose sneaky smile never seems to leave his face waits for him on the main couch right in the middle of the room. Louis takes a look on the rest of the common space but there are not many other residents there. He takes a deep breath and falls down onto comfy couch pillows right beside his best friend.

-I have to stay. She contacted my mum, I saw her letter. I'm being asked to stay at Hogwarts and make up for my actions even if that means no birthday this year – he snorts and falls even more deeply into the couch. Helplessness starts to find its way into his mind and he feels the adrenaline leaving him. He wants to cry even more now.

-Bro, that's so uncool – Oli comments analysing his facial expression. There's not much he can do to hide his despair from his friend. They are both 16 now (well, Louis is almost that old) and they've adored each other since the first day of school all those years ago. If Lou is sad, Oli knows. - You know I would stay with you but...

-Yeah yeah, I know but I couldn't ask you to. I'll be fine – Louis releases a long breath and the other boy puts his lean arm around him in a reassuring gesture.

Now, Louis Tomlinson has a reputation to uphold. He's the main troublemaker of the school. He represents all of his house's virtues, even too much in some professors' opinion. He's ambitious, achievement-oriented, determined and loyal to his people. Maybe he is, indeed, a little too cunning and unable to say no to a challenge. He also hates when the headmaster points out that his "disregard for the rules" is one of the qualities that Salazar unfortunately valued too but he cannot really deny it. He's being admired in his house and well-known outside of it too. Maybe "scared" is too much to call people's reaction to him but he is definitely considered tough and a little dangerous. But still, he cannot refrain from some mood-brightening cuddles with his best mate.


They sit there long enough for other house members to come back to the dorm with some booze and music stolen from Gryffindors. The next day is the last day of this term and the Hogwarts Express departures a few hours after the last class so if they want to have a Holiday party, they have to do it now. Attempting lessons with a hangover is nothing new to them and Slytherins are masters of organising parties so it's not long till the common room is filled with people from all of Hogwarts. Louis loses track on the number of drinks he's had, he just knows he feels good now that his negative feelings are supressed deep inside his mind. He changed clothes from the school black and green robe and this fucking chocking tie to a nice black turtleneck, which does wonders to his cheekbones while combined with a high quiff, and some flattering skinny jeans and he feels truly amazing.

Loud music is not something new here because well, they're in dungeons. No one hears and complains so they can do what they want. And what they want is to be wild and free.

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