30 points from Slytherin

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The next few hours pass lazily and quietly. When Louis is done with what's been assigned to him by the headmaster, they chill together at the library. Harry keeps quiet and Louis wonders if he has one of those sad days again but he sometimes looks up from his book and sends Louis a smile so it can't be that bad. Harry even puts a hand on the table once and holds it there, palm to the ceiling, fingers stretched, for so long that Louis finally understands the hint and grabs it with his own hand so they stay like that while reading peacefully.

Louis is still uneasy, though. After their morning talk, he feels storm clouds above him, like there's something coming at him. Maybe those are just Harry's words, though. Maybe he had to hear them and now everything will be fine.

Or maybe not.

They decide to take a walk on the snowy courtyard. They split to their dormitories to wrap themselves up in their coats and soon they're back up again, all warm and ready to face the winter world. They race each other to the exit at the end of the stony corridor, Harry almost slipping on the wet floors. Other students must've carried some of the snow inside and now it's making everything around wet and slippery – not the safest environment for a clumsy boy. Thus, no one wins the race, Louis going back to help Harry keep his balance and they leave the castle together, slowly and holding up to each other.

As soon as they leave, their vision is struck with white everywhere, just like it always does when there's so much snow in the world. Their eyes take a minute to adjust and be open without narrowing. Unfortunately, that's exactly when they should be alert because without a warning boys find themselves at the presence of the two Gryffs who were the main topic of their morning conversation. When Louis recognises them, his whole body stiffs. Harry must understand what's happening because he's trying to make some space between their bodies but Louis doesn't let him. He wants to protect the boy from those school bullies and he's not ashamed of his feeling either.

-Oh, what do we have here? - one of the Gryffindors takes a step closer with a mean smile. - Tomlinson and his little social experiment. Is this some cultural exchange we didn't know about? Or maybe this Hufflepuff is your detention work, huh? McGonagall told you to take pity on him?

Louis feels his cheeks growing red. But it's anger, not shame and maybe that's worse. He doesn't really think tough, emotions taking control over him yet again.

-Shame she didn't ask me to take pity on you, because you're gonna beg me for it – he balls his fists. He feels his inside flame growing bigger and just as he's about to say something more or act, Harry finally breaks free from his steal grip and pulls his arm firmly.

-Louis, let's go – he says through greeted teeth. Louis looks at him and can't believe how pissed Harry looks right now. A Hufflepuff should never look that way.

So he obliges and follows the boy down the snowy path, being dragged more than walking himself. He hears the "Yes, be a good dog and follow your master" as he goes but he tries not to let that sink in.

-I can't believe that you played along! Even after our talk, Louis? Really? - Harry seems irritated. He turns to Louis when they're finally alone, away from any prying eyes.

-I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I held you and I'm sorry you had to witness that – Louis whines and Harry crosses his arms with his brows frowning. They stand there in the snow, turned to each other with cold nibbling their cheeks and every other body part that's not covered with fabric. Harry looks irritated but hopefully, he's not mad. He looks fresh and appealing with those single snowflakes coming down from the sky on him and eyelashes getting wet from the winter air. Louis wants to reach out and dry them but he's not sure if he's allowed after all. - But I didn't do anything bad, right? I wasn't the bad one...? - he states with a cheeky smile. To be honest, he's quite proud of himself even if that's Harry's credit.

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