I think I really really really do

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There are laughs, screams of happiness and people singing all around. If one thing's for sure, it's that the Scots know how to celebrate.

Boys entered the pub two hours ago after quickly getting there by tunnels which Louis previously knew nothing about. Through those two hours they got hyped up on so many butterbeer glasses they wouldn't be able to count and currently Harry is jumping on a table next to some old bearded wizard who possibly feels a spirit of his youth and they both sing at the top of their lungs. Louis doesn't believe what he sees and tries to remember every little detail of it. Harry, who said he's too afraid to sing with a dozen of other students is now starting a long-lasting solo career in front of tens of Scottish wizards in this very popular Hogsmeade pub. When the crowd joins the artists at the chorus, he doesn't hesitate to sing along too. Wooden pillars and tables hung on the walls seem to shake with this amount of noise.

When Harry ends the song and receives the biggest applause he could ask for, he finally comes back to their table. He sits down, sprawls on the bench and throws his long legs in front of himself wanting to let them rest for a minute. Louis observes all of that with an amused smirk standing above him next to the bench.

-What are you looking at, you sneaky little snake? - Harry mocks him with a smile so bright they could turn all the lights off and it would still be light in there.

-Me? I'm just admiring the new English popstar. You're gonna look great in black leather.

Harry gasps dramatically and fans his face with a hand.

-Never in a million years! - Harry answers and laughs, his diva act coming to an end. He scoots over so there's enough room for Louis on the same bench and he turns leaning on the bench backrest to call a waiter from afar but there's too much going on right now for them to be seen. They'll have to wait a while if they want to order.

Louis is painfully aware of every centimetre in which their bodies are connected. Harry feels like a magnet to him today. He's glowing, he's so energised and his colours seem to be more vibrant than everyone else's in the room. He's having a time of his life while Louis is so charmed, he can mainly just sit and admire. They've known each other for a very brief time but they talked so much that Louis feels like he truly knows this boy. He knows his melancholic side, his snarky side and a sarcastic one too. He's seen his calm moments, sad moments and now he experiences the wild side. He knows he's been blessed by Harry's appearance in his life in this tough time and he knows that this boy is supposed to change him for the better. Maybe Louis is someone Harry needs either. Maybe he'll be able to help him too and stop the boy's every-year Christmas misery. Maybe it was all meant to be.

-You seem very wild for a person who claims to not be of a partying type – Louis says mockingly when he leans to the other boy's ear to be heard with this loud music band still playing in the back.

-It's the alcohol – Harry shouts with a laugh and still tries to catch a waiter with a waving hand.

-Wha- what?

-It's the alcohol from the butterbeers we had earlier – Harry shouts one more time, still leaning on the bench backrest, his face hidden from Louis sight.

-Angel, there was no alcohol in them. They were student-friendly, you know? - Louis laughs and facepalms.

-If there was no alcohol, then why am I so tempted to kiss you? - Harry turns around at that with a goofy smile, abandoning his plans of ordering some more drinks.

Louis leans back and stays still for a few seconds. Harry's brows frown as he analyses the sense of his words. He seems to be a lost little goof surrounded with this big party which has taken him by surprise and he was not prepared for any of it. Louis finally recovers from his stillness and he leans over to Harry so close that there's not even a whole centimetre separating their bodies. He sees the boy swallowing, his gaze suddenly focused first on Louis' eyes, then falling down to his lips.

-Maybe you just really really really – he extends for a better effect seeing that Harry swallows again, - want to kiss me?

-I think I really really really do – he answers quietly but with a cheeky tone to his voice.

And just like that, sitting in the middle of a pulsing pub, in the high of winter, with strangers singing Christmas songs, dancing all around them, they kiss. It's a fantastic kiss, full of passion but sweet. Louis feels electricity flowing between them as they brush each other's lips with careful pressure. He buries his fingers in those stunning pirate curls and he feels Harry's hands on his neck and back as the boy tries to pull him closer. Then he feels Harry's tongue licking his lower lip and he gets completely lost. They deepen their kiss and they both feel like they could melt.

They only stop when they hear whistles of strangers sent their way. Harry makes some space between them and blushes furiously. Louis thinks he might look very similarly at the moment. Then their eyes meet and they're smiling like stupid.

The waiter finally reaches them and they decide to change drinks from butterbeer to something else and when Harry orders, Louis can't help but laugh maniacally.

-I'd like a coffee – he says. - As dark as my soul.

When Louis finally contains himself, he apologises to the waiter and blurts out.

-In his case it means something like a vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar. And I'll take the dark one.

When they finally leave the pub, it's very late. The night is pitch black and Hogsmeade is not very lighted so they rush to the tunnel which they originally came from and quickly after, they find themselves back at the castle. Every other day Louis would be afraid to be punished for breaking the curfew but it's Christmas time so no one really patrols the hallways.

It's really dark, no lights are turned on in their path. They enter a stone hall with a high ceiling and Louis recognises it as the one leading to the Great Hall. Harry led the way when they crossed the tunnel and he still holds Louis' hand very tightly. He turns around to send a cheeky smirk his way and Louis' heart does a swirl. He pulls Harry's hand back and hears a little "oof" from him but he rushes sideways anyway. As soon as Harry joins him at the little alcove hidden in the back of the hallway, Louis pins him to the wall and kisses madly. Harry doesn't seem surprised, he kisses back with the same passion as he did back at Hogsmeade. There are hands everywhere and sometimes Louis doesn't know if he's about to lose his balance or just disintegrate from happiness. When they finally split, Harry's hair looks like a big disaster and playing with his sweet curls is now officially Louis' favourite hobby.

-Lou – the Hufflepuff hums with closed eyes.


-'M really tired – Harry answers, almost a whisper. Then he laughs and hides his face in Louis' neck while the other boy is still leaning over him.

-I know, popstar. Me too – Louis laughs along and throws his hands around to hug him.

They finally split and say their goodbyes, Harry on his way to the kitchen corridor where the Hufflepuff dormitory is and Louis on the opposite path, to the dungeon. They're both smiling and don't know if they'll be able to sleep even despite the exhaustion. 

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