Who am I to be dreaming of...

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The next two days pass more quickly than Louis would want them to but they are basically spent in a dream so he doesn't complain. He forgets all about his detention work when he spends time with Harry.

The Hufflepuff prefect seems to enjoy Louis' presence, although he's still a little insular and uncertain. Louis gains his trust and retrieves more laughs from him with every hour they spend together on taking care of the plants (turns out Harry received a full list of tasks to do from the Herbology teacher for when she'll be away), running around in the snow (Louis has an obvious advantage there) or reading books in the library (Harry with his poetry books and Louis with advanced potions guide, the ambitious bastard he is).

Only on the fourth day of the Holiday break does he realise that not once was he bitter or angry about not being home. He looks up from where he's sitting, finding Harry's tilted head low to his book. He smiles and thinks how good it is that they keep each other company. He knows that some kids stayed at Hogwarts too, passed some of them in the hallways. Those are mainly ones he tolerates or even likes but there's the certain two... Louis just knows they would make this whole thing awful for him because he almost can't stand to be in one room with them after what happened a week ago and got him into the Christmas detention. He has to be honest with himself – if not for Harry, he would probably have the worst time of his life. Possibly involved with some fights with those two Gryffs too. As it is, though, he's having an enlightening experience, especially at moments when the other boy straightens his back a little and reads some poetry passages he really likes. He immediately goes back to quiet reading not waiting for Louis' comment just like he's doing it subconsciously, like he wants Louis to know them just because they are something he thinks is lovely. Like he thinks Louis is worth knowing this part of his soul.

" You have sadness living in places sadness shouldn't live "

" Oh how does the rage find me. I try so hard to disappear into the happy "

" I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars "

" Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul "

Louis experiences something like that for the first time in his life. When they talk, he feels like they're going deeper and deeper in their personal thoughts and life stories. Louis shares with Harry all his memories with his family and after two days Harry feels like he knows them all. He talks about his hobbies and small things that make him happy. He tries to describe how playing this muggle soccer game makes him feel and how it is to win a match with friends. Harry listens, really listens, and seems to care about all of these thoughts. Louis feels the magic when in exchange he gets to know Harry this profoundly too. Harry shares how light walks in gardens make him feel and that he could fly with birds and see all of those flowers from the clouds' height. He loves remembering his favourite poetry so he can contemplate it while walking.

Louis catches himself on thinking that he loves the boy's personality. It's just so different, unique and mature. Louis' encharmed and he wants them to meet like this and talk forever.


In the evening they take a walk together. It's getting dark very early these days so it seems very late when the leave the castle. The path is illuminated to some expanse but later they have to Lumos it themselves. They pass the rock circle which is a famous hang-out spot for their classmates, some big old trees which must've been here forever, stables of school's fantastic creatures and everything is covered in snow. They put on some warm clothes and Harry is all wrapped up in the most ridiculous down jacket which makes him even more clumsy than he normally is so Louis has to help him out from time to time and they both blush at every physical contact between them.

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