I am not a baby. Even if I look like one

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They see each other again at the next day's breakfast in the Great Hall. There are only few students there and normal rules don't apply so they quickly find each other and sit together, regardless of House tables, just like they did all of those days prior.

They don't say much. Evenings are always more considerate for boldnesses of new love growing in the darkness, while mornings are usually drowned in shyness and transparency. The first part of the breakfast passes on quick glances over the plates, quiet laughs and shy amused smiles. They both know what they did and they both suspect that the other one liked it equally as much. Louis feels the happiest he's ever been during a breakfast. It's weird because he loves dining with his House, all of those crazy badass kids that he grew up with. There are days that they plan some pranks there for later on, there are also days that they study while eating because there are exams coming up. Sometimes they would even start a food battle which Louis hates because later he needs to clean his robe himself. Nevertheless, he always feels great with them. He feels like he's a part of something bigger, like there are people who accept him, want him in their lives and are there for him.

All of those memories fade, though, compared to this morning. Louis can send a little glance in Harry's direction and admire those delicately blushed cheeks, amazing curls that seem to be even more rebellious in the morning and this funny habit of sticking his tongue out prior to taking a bite. Louis can then reminisce what he was doing with them the day earlier and imagine what else he could do now. Finally, he must take a deep breath and sway on his bench for a while when his imagination is getting too out of hand. He's positive that he never felt like this about anyone.

-The post! - someone shouts suddenly and they raise their heads up just in time to see owls flying into the room. Some of them hold bigger packages, probably Christmas gifts from some distant relatives already, some hold morning papers and others only got some small envelopes. One of those lands in front of Harry and his face lights up the moment he sees whose name is on it.

-It's from my best friend, Niall – the Hufflepuff explains before Louis even has a chance to ask. - I wrote to him yesterday, I always miss him on Christmas.

Louis nods and observes as the other boy quickly rips up the envelope and retrieves the letter. It looks expensive, rich paper and a shining ink where the handwriting is.

-Niall comes from an old pure-blood family but they're very cool. I met him the first day of being here. He's the craziest kid I've ever met. He's like a ball of sunshine and his laugh is so contagious. I think you'd like him very much – Harry smiles wildly and his eyes shine. If that's the case, Louis can't wait to meet the mentioned lad.

He starts to eat again, giving Harry time to read the letter. At first, he seems content. He leans to the letter so much, his nose disappears behind the sheet. If he wrote to his friend yesterday when he was sad and Louis couldn't find him, he probably got some nice reassuring thoughts from this Niall lad. Louis waits gladly till Harry shares the content of the letter but suddenly the boy's expression starts to change. His face was so bright the moment before, his dimples out and proud, but now his brows frown more with each second. Finally, Louis can't take the anticipation anymore and speaks out.

-Is there something wrong, popstar? - he asks carefully. - You don't seem particularly happy.

Harry jumps up at that, like he flew off to another dimension while reading the text. He smiles fakely, quickly crumples the letter and hides it in a pocket of his robe.

-Yes, of course. Niall sends me his greetings – he nods like he's trying to convince himself to that and his eyes run away from Louis' gaze.

-Haarryyyy... - Louis teases. He knows something's wrong and he can't leave it like that. Since Harry keeps quiet, he starts the interrogation. - You wrote to this friend of yours yesterday, probably not in the middle of the night when we got back from Hogsmeade, so I'm just gonna assume it was the time when you were alone, a little sad, and hiding from me. He's your old friend so you probably hoped for some comforting words from him. Isn't that what's in this letter? Did he say something unkind to you?

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