How to catch a Hufflepuff

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The next day is filled with headaches, thoughts of throwing up and hangover cuddles from Oli. His biggest achievement that day is doing all of the homework in the afternoon so as not to be stuck with it later throughout the Holiday break and he thinks it's very mature of him, at least for one blessed second. Then he thinks that getting as drunk as he did last night might not be a sign of maturity so he shuts up.

He says goodbye to nearly all of the Slytherins but he doesn't have strength to walk them to the train. He may be a party animal at night but he's always a little poor baby the day after. He needs cuddles and attention but as everyone abandoned him, he must accept his defeat. He goes to bed early and dreams of green-eyed angels, happy pirates and a beautiful laugh that's stuck in his head.


Holiday break is really long at Hogwarts and he always appreciated that when he used to get a lot of time to spend with his family thanks to it. This year it's round seven days to Christmas, then two days of celebration and one to get back here and unpack everything before the classes start again. He cannot stop thinking of all of his sisters under the Christmas tree, laughing and carolling. His family consists of all muggles, him being the only special one. His siblings just cannot wait for him to come home every year and show them new tricks.

He smiles at his memories as he jogs across the quidditch yard. He tries not to think of their disappointment when they find out that he's not coming this year. Instead, he starts to play a game called "How to catch a Hufflepuff".

He makes a mental list of all the places that this Harry boy may spend his free days at. He knows very little about the prefect so it's not the easiest task but he'll try to use his Slytherin traits. If someone's going to find an almost-stranger in an enormous almost-abandoned castle, it's him, right?

So, after the jog, he starts to "casually" check all of the places he could think of, including the Restricted Section at the library in case the Hufflepuff prefect evinces some dark tendencies, however he's unable to find him. Finally, he's tired, hungry and annoyed so he calls it a day and hides at his own dorm room.

It's only at the late evening that he comes out of it and takes a sad walk around the castle's hallways. He's drowned in his thoughts when he suddenly finds himself at the same spot that they met two days ago. He looks at the garden covered in snow, the lights now turned off as no one probably cared for them as almost everyone departed for their homes. He doesn't feel the cold this time but the air is refreshing as he takes a deep breath.

-Fully clothed this time. How responsible. Are you growing up?

There it is. The honey voice.

Louis turns around and sees Harry at the same bench as two nights ago. He doesn't waste time and quickly approaches it.

-Yeah, I think it's the third grade now. I'm not a preschooler anymore – he answers sarcastically.

-And you're sober. I'm impressed – Harry whistles mockingly and his eyes seem to gather all the light in this dark surrounding.

-Believe it or not, I'm not getting drunk all the time – Louis shakes his head and sits at his part of the bench. - Aren't you partying from time to time?

-Not really my thing – the prefect answers. This time he doesn't have a robe on and his badge is nowhere to be seen. Instead, he put on some colour-screaming monstrosity of a sweater which he probably knitted himself. There's no bandana this time and his locks are fully free to dance around his face with a delicate wind. The boy doesn't have any DIY parts with him, as well as anything else to do, so he either took a walk just like Louis or he came here on purpose and waited for him. Louis doesn't know if he's allowed to hope for the latter.

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