I hope it works both sides

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Louis opens his eyes slowly and with big effort. His ears are ringing, he doesn't hear a thing. He doesn't see much too because he faces a stone wall of the corridor while his body is curled up tightly. He can tell that it's dark, probably very late at night. His limbs feel stony cold, frozen in place. He's unable to move them. He moans and only at that his ears start to unlock. He hears someone's voice and realises that he didn't wake up on his own.

A person shook his shoulder which caused him to stop sleeping. Now this person does it again.

Finally, Louis gathers all of his strength and turns around on the cold and hard surface. The bench, he remembers. He fell asleep on the bench.

-Are you a complete fool?! - he sees Harry's face prior to hearing his voice. He still needs a long while to process the noise. His face frowns and he curls up on the bench even more.

-Leave me alone – he murmurs and crosses his arms to rescue at least some of the warmth that brutally leaves his body. He wants to fall asleep again, he's groggy and really cold, but Harry behaves like a stubborn brat, pulling his arm violently at that.

-Louis, for Merlin's sake, you're cold as ice. You can't just fall asleep in the open-air corridor, you'll get a hypothermia – he rails with half-angry, half-distressed voice.

It takes them a minute of discussion but finally Louis gloomily agrees to get up, which he desperately needs a help with. His body is too stiff to move comfortably. As soon as he's on his feet, he feels violent chills. It must be very obvious for Harry because he quickly shakes off his own coat and throws it over Louis, then hugs him tightly from the side and pulls forwards down the hall.

The Slytherin boy must be half-conscious because he doesn't acknowledge the expanse of their journey and suddenly finds himself at a completely unknown part of the castle. Harry taps in a pile of large barrels stacked in a shadowy stone recess on the right-hand side of the corridor. The mysterious rhythm seems to be a password because soon they are free to enter a decorated in the cheerful, bee-like colours of yellow and black, room with highly polished, honey-coloured wood for the tables and the round doors leading to separate bedrooms. He's stunned with warm-looking bricky walls and plants everywhere but his body still shakes strongly and it's hard for him to stand upright.

Harry pulls him in to one of the bedrooms. There are five beds with wooden canopies inside, all empty now, and they sit on the last one which, Louis suspects, belongs to Harry. The boy starts to cover him with blankets borrowed from the other beds but then he notices that Louis' clothes seem wet.

-Why is this damp? - he asks nervously, pointing at the sweatshirt of Louis' tracksuit. - Couldn't you at least zip your coat when you decided to have a winter outdoor sleepover? - he seems angry.

-I don't know – Louis moans desperately through greeted teeth. - I guess some snow got to me and then melted.

Harry groans at this stupidity and pulls his own sweater off. When his upper body is finally naked, which seems to have been his intension, he looks at Louis and rushes him with a hand wave.

-C'mon! Off! - he orders, pointing to the boy's clothes.

Every other day at every other circumstance, Louis would be most happy to oblige. He would get naked with a light speed if Harry sat in front of him like that and order him around. Now is different, though. He shakes his head staring at the boy and his teeth chatter more dramatically at the thought of losing any more warmth.

Harry's had enough, though. He pulls Louis' shirt off himself and ignores the loud hiss that the boy makes. The whole process takes him only about two seconds and right after that, their naked chests bump at each other. Harry throws at least two thick blankets over them and hugs Louis tightly, eliminating any cold air between them. The Slytherin immediately feels his body getting warmer, stealing the temperature from Harry. He relaxes in this grip and he shifts, positioning himself with his legs placed on two sides of Harry's hips, thighs laid on the boy's thighs. He moves his arms around the Hufflepuff's naked torso and squeezes a little, feeling the other boy doing the same. He lays his head on the shoulder he's sticked into and closes his eyes, losing himself in that warm hug.

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