Death of a Bachelor Pt. 1

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Jade coached Sarah through her rapid breathing.

T-minus thirty minutes until she walked down the aisle and we were pulling out Lamaze tactics.

“It’ll be okay.” Kitty tried to console the bride but nothing short of an elephant tranquilizer could accomplish that task.

“My mom isn’t going to be at my wedding.” Sarah sobbed. “How is that okay?”

Although her mother had a plane ticket and hourly reminders to board said plane, she missed her flight.

The parents are batting a zero.

“I can’t get married without my mom,” Sarah said in a state of duress.

“She’ll make it.” Jade lied.

I shifted in my dress; somehow, the built in cups were two sizes too small. Jade swore up and down that she used the correct measurements.

I beg to differ.

Now, my tits were a flight risk, unlike Sarah’s absent mother.

Just when I assumed that nothing else could go wrong, Sarah’s phone rang.

“Right.” She sighed after hanging up the call. “The bartender can’t make it. Something about the weather.”

I peeked outside; storm clouds gathered over our heads.


Jade waved her hand. “Making cocktails? I can handle that.”

“Really?” Sarah’s eyes glistened. Not having James by her side was taking a toll on her sanity.

I scooped my tits back into their assigned seats. Kitty’s eyes widened. “Oh my God. Did your tits swell?”

“Yeah, I pumped them up this morning.”

Jade snickered and I managed to get a smile out of Sarah.

“Whore.” The bride giggled while adjusting the straps of her floor length dress.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not the one wearing white.”

“Listen,” Sarah started, “My Mom insisted that I stay traditional. Besides, I’ve only ever boinked two guys.”

My eyebrows hit the ceiling.

“Oh, don’t look so surprised,” she snickered. “Lucas was my first.”

“Who was the second?” I asked while raking my fingers through my hair. The short curls seemed so far removed from who I was when I first walked through the doors of Pink Cherry.

“I don’t exactly know his name.”

Jade chuckled. “At least James will be your third and final.”

“True.” She sighed.

From inside the house, we could see the guests gathering in the barn. The more time that passed, the less space there was in the decorated monstrosity.

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