Merry Dickmas

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I paced nervously in the backroom while the Cherries hustled around in their red satin mini-skirts. One after another, Jade pushed each girl into a dressing room, tossed in their outfit and then yanked them out.

With or without their bra.

In little under an hour, each girl was dressed. It was record timing.

"Let's go, go, go," Jade barked at the Cherries. All she was missing was a whistle.

One Cherry was daring enough to ask what they were all wondering, "When is Kitty getting here?"

I never thought I'd live to see the day they missed General Kitty.

"She'll get here when she gets here." Jade's raven curls fell loosely out of her messy ponytail and over her wild brown eyes, "Any other questions?"

Somewhere in the back of the crowd, a girl raised her hand. Jade sighed and called on her like we were in grade school.

The girl was unfamiliar to me. She must have been new to the team.

"The bows won't stay on. Is there something I can do to fix that?"

Jade rolled her eyes, "That's kind of the idea." The other seasoned Cherries snickered.

The girl's cheeks turned pink. "So my nipples are-"

"Exposed," Jade confirmed and more Cherries chimed in.

"To the wind."

"Playing peek-a-boo."

"Cold, apparently."

I was barely paying attention to what was going on.

I dug the metal underwire out from my boob. The pain was only worth it when there was the promise of an orgasm.

When the crowd went back to their usual primping I followed Jade back to the dressing rooms.

She grabbed another unsuspecting Cherry and tossed her in.

She didn't even look up until I spoke, "Will you just tell me who it is already?"

"Not a chance."

"I've been waiting all day and Sarah still isn't here."

"Wait a little longer." The burgundy mood lighting really brought out her heinous bitch.

I groaned, "This is ridiculous."

Just then the Cherry poked out from behind the curtain and Jade pushed her back in before declaring our conversation private.

She sighed, "It's not my story to tell and Sarah is going to be here any minute. She wouldn't miss this for the world."

"What, rehearsals?"

Jade gave me a look, "No, the initiation."

"That's tonight?" She nodded and it was my turn to blush.

"We thought we'd spring it on him," She finally released the captive Cherry, "No pun intended."

I struggled not to laugh, "So he doesn't suspect anything?"

"Did you?"

"Good point."

Suddenly the Cherries parted like the Red Sea and Kitty stood beside us.

"Finally," Jade shoved a green velvet corset set into her arms. "You're the only one not dressed."

Kitty peeled off her top and slipped into her outfit in front of us. Her pale skin shimmered under the lights.

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