The Night Before The Night Before

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It took me an hour to tear myself away from Sarah and Jade's prying questions. Being at home never felt as nice as it did when I walked through the front door.

I tossed my keys in the little dish resting by the door and went straight to the bedroom. The overhead light flickered on and I faced the mountain of clothes littering my bed.

I groaned at the thought of sorting through every item of clothing and decided I would need a snack to encourage progress.

The fridge was almost bare with only a banana flavored yogurt where the lettuce should have been. I needed something sweet.

I considered making the two-minute walk to the convenience store but decided against it because of how late it was getting.

As if on cue I yawned and knew I needed to focus on packing before I crashed.

After ten minutes and a half, a bag packed, my phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. I looked at the time as I picked it up. It was past one in the morning.

The unknown number seemed suspicious and I almost didn't answer but I reluctantly swiped and held the phone to my ear.


A familiar southern accent came through the speaker, "Tara! Oh, thank God you picked up."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"My car hit a patch of ice an-"

I didn't wait for her to finish, "Oh my God, are you okay?"

"Just a little sore. My car took the beating for me." There was shuffling on her side of the phone. I could vaguely hear dishes clanking in the background.

"Where are you?"

"A diner about half an hour away. Apparently, they're about to close soon." I pictured her stranded out in the cold, "Twenty-four hours my ass."

I snickered, "Is anyone on their way to get you?"

"I can't get through to anyone else. Everyone at home must already be asleep." I surveyed the piles of clothes laying beside my suitcase before shoving them in and zipping it up.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"No, Tara, you don't have to do that. I know you have to head up to your family tomorrow."

I grabbed my coat and shoes and started to pull everything on, "I'll just drop you off and head up tonight. I'm sure Tristan would love the surprise."

"Are you sure?" She asked, "That's a long way to be driving in one night."

"I'm sure. You're on the way anyway." I dragged my suitcase off the bed and grabbed a few extra things on the way out.

I scanned my apartment one last time before walking out the door. When I slid the key into the door I knew that I forgot something important.

I went in one last time and pulled my very handy friend out from underneath the mattress.

"Okay, I'm on my way now. I'll be there soon." I said.

It didn't dawn on me from the moment I picked up the phone to the moment we hung up that I might run into Jason.

That thought wouldn't leave me for the entire ride to rescue Kitty.

When I pulled up the sign to the diner was turned off and Kitty was waiting on the front steps with her luggage piled around her for warmth.

I rolled down the window, "Hey, miss, I'm looking for a good time."

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