Death of a Bachelor Pt.2

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"I object." Lucas marched down the aisle.

Sarah stood at the altar, mouth agape, and stared at her ex. Meanwhile, James processed the grand theft bride happening in front of his face.

"We haven't gotten to that yet, dumbass," Jade spoke up for the lot of us.

Lucas glanced at her and then rolled his dull eyes. Instead of responding, he turned his attention to Sarah.

"I never stopped loving you. I tried, believe me."

"Don't you have a baby to take care of?" Kitty snapped. The infamous progeny of Lucas' affair with Amy never failed to boil our blood.

"He's not mine," Lucas said while maintaining eye contact with Sarah. I stared at her, confused by her silence. Why isn't she sending him away?

My attention shifted to Jason; his hand rested on James' shoulder. I blinked and realized that he was trying to prevent his cousin from doing something he would regret.

"Don't marry this guy," Lucas pleaded. "Marry me."

The audience stirred in their seats. All hope of maintaining civility flew out of the crooked windows.

James charged forward and instead of holding him back, Jason and the other groomsmen followed.

They'll just beat him up together. Fantastic.

I groaned.

Lucas frowned at the barricade of men in between him and his "true love". Sarah, still wide-eyed, did nothing to stop the showdown from beginning.

James, ever-the-gentlemen, did give Lucas a warning. A painful "leave or else" warning.

Lucas responded with a right hook.


Before James could take another hit, the groomsmen stepped in and forced Lucas back down the aisle. Kitty gasped while an evil grin crept onto Jade's face.

My stomach churned and I just wanted to throw up and get it over with.

The crowd roared in confusion as the boys beat each other up just outside the barn doors. I stumbled over the stairs in my stilettos and followed the river of people outside.

The gray sky reflected in Sarah's eyes; she wandered down the aisle and watched as her future husband punched her first love.

Jason grabbed Lucas' collar but Lucas fought back and nailed James in the eye.

That's gonna bruise.

I glanced behind me and witnessed Kitty's mom clutching her wedding pearls. After listening to her meticulous plans for the wedding more times than I could count, I knew that a brawl was not on the agenda.

I was not going to be the one to stop it either.

Luckily, I didn't have to.

Before Jade could hike up her skirt and smash a bottle over Lucas' head or any of the guests pulled out a weathered bible, Sarah screamed.

She marched onto the muddied grass, staining her white dress, and yanked James back by his shirt collar. "Stop it."

Fury raged in her eyes and I, for one, did not want to be in her line of fire.

James paused, his anger dwindling down to embers; blood dripped out of his split lip and stained his shirt.

He opened his mouth and then shut it—tight.


I hid next to Kitty and watched as Sarah turned her attention to Lucas. His bruised face would make a nun swear.

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