Panty Privileges

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I stretched my legs out on the creaky bed and yawned; Only realizing where I was when the sound of the fan squeaking got closer.

The sunlight hit my eyes directly and showed no sign of having mercy. With a sigh of defeat, I rolled over and checked my phone.

I wanted to bury myself underneath the covers when I saw the time but there were none. I pushed aside the stray papers resting on my legs and my laptop.

Long after everyone left the shop, I stayed behind to finalize some ideas. I didn't know I would be sleeping over.

I shuffled across the room and tried to find my jacket. I checked the desk, the chairs, and the shelves to no avail.

"Dammit," I muttered as I glanced around the room for something else to keep me warm. Someone must have turned off the heat before they left because I woke up in a room so cold that I could almost see blue in the air.

I pulled my frazzled hair from the lopsided bun and let it hang over my shoulders for warmth as I continued my search. Eventually, I came across the same closet that Kitty had pushed everything into.

Jason's shirts sat on top of the dusty cardboard boxes. I looked around the room and considered my options before snatching the warmest looking button down off the top of the pile.

I tried not to pay attention to the smell of his cologne lingering on the fabric. I gathered my wits and set out on a mission for food.

It wasn't much of a mission since I already knew that Sarah kept a box of Girl Scout cookies in her vanity. I left the lair and walked out onto the main floor.

My eyes immediately found the butt of a bent over stranger.

I coughed and Adam turned around immediately before grinning, a dazzling smile that wasn't at all crooked on one side like Jason's.

I pushed the thought out of my head, "What are you doing here?" The hammer in his hand should have given it away but I was running on fumes.

He seemed to find my question funny and held up the hammer and nails, "Just thought I would get a jumpstart on the day."

I nodded and turned to leave but he caught me before I could make it to the door.

"What about you? Burning the midnight oil?"

"Yeah, I'm practically drowning in paperwork," I mustered up a smile to match his. He seemed to be unaffected by the cold air. His white tank top showed off his tan arms as went back to work.

I hesitated behind him as he continued expanding the stage. I finally snapped out of the trance his rhythmic hammering put me in and continued my quest for food.

I dug through Sarah's cluttered drawer. I pushed aside lipstick, foundation, and a dozen tissues which I prayed weren't used. I gave up when a chunk of her pale white foundation came back under my nail.

I wiped my hands off on my pants and noticed the small green box peeking out of Jade's half open vanity. I pulled the cookie box out and rolled my eyes. Of course, it was empty.

I sighed and dragged myself out of the room. Adam was still diligently hammering away when I got back. I didn't expect for him to talk to me as I walked past.

"So are you performing with the rest of the cherries tomorrow?" He asked,  not looking up from what he was working on.

I paused before responding, "I'm not sure. I haven't had the chance to really think about it."

"You should," He finally turned around to run his eyes over the length of my body and grin. "I'm sure someone would pay good money for someone like you."

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