The Start Of Something New

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I always thought that by the time I was in my twenties I would be trying on white gowns, picking my bridesmaids, and finally ready to wear my grandmother's diamond broach while floating down the aisle as Canon in D plays in the background.

But life has a certain way of taking what you thought your life would be like and cramming it down the garbage disposal.

So there I was, ambushed by my mom and her, old, new husband Steve with a lopsided cake. Tristan following close behind them with a sympathetic grin stretched across his face.

They launched into a full tone-deaf rendition of the happy birthday song and waited until I blew out the small fire hazard before patting me on my back.

"So, how does twenty-four feel?" Tracy asked from the doorway. My nephew, Tyler, was tucked into her hip. His chubby hand twirled her soft blonde hair into messy spirals.

"Like twenty-three," I crossed my eyes and Tyler's giggling filled the air. My mom started slicing the cake and handing out crooked pieces.

I took a bite and tried not to immediately cough up the buttery spongecake that seemed to at some point been submerged in water.

I glanced at Tristan who was tucked away in the corner, shoveling a big forkful into his mouth before realizing his terrible mistake.

After scraping his tongue, Tristan turned his attention back to me, "You sure you have to go back already?"

"If I don't then I won't get that promotion."

"Just call your friend and tell him you have family business to attend to."

"For some reason I don't think he'd be cool with that," I laughed, "Especially because he knows that family business means beating your ass at Uno."

Tristan covered Tyler's tiny ears, "How dare you speak to me like that in front of my infant son."

Tracy elbowed her husband and grinned, "I think what he is trying to say is that it seems like you just got here,"

"Just be thankful she bothers to visit you, " My mom cut in. I tried to avoid eye contact so I wouldn't have to go through the same argument we'd been having for a year.

Tristan cleared his throat, "So when do you need to be back?"

"By tonight," I checked my watch, an early birthday present, "I promise I'll come home early for Christmas."

He wrapped his arm around Tracy, "That's what they always say."

"If I'm not back on Christmas Eve then you can give me five extra cards next match,"

Tristan held out his hand, "You're on, Holloway,"

"Don't get too excited," I gripped his hand, "You're still going to lose,"

"We'll see about that," He scoffed.

I glanced at Tracy, "Can I borrow that blue dress you were talking about?"

Tracy handed Tyler off to his Dad, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Come upstairs with me and I'll get it."

I followed Tracy through their small home and up to the master bedroom. Baby clothes littered the floor; I could barely make out the shaggy tan carpet hidden underneath.

Tracy caught me eye balling the mess, "Just wait until you have a baby,"

"I wouldn't count on that happening anytime soon." I laughed and helped her clear a path to the closet door.

"Why not? Aren't you and what's his name doing it?"

"Ethan?" Heat rushed to my cheeks, "He's just a friend."

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