Cycle of renewal

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I love the rain. It just makes everything better. Washes away all the bad and makes me feel like everything is going to be great. In the movies, the sad moments almost always take place when it's raining. In my life it's quite the opposite. The rain makes me happy because it reminds me that nothing in this universe happens just one time. The rain is part of a cycle that never ends and it will always return. It's reliable and steadfast and one can't say that about a lot of things nowadays. And when the sun comes back out you appreciate it so much more. Of course, not everyone feels that way about the rain and for good reason. The rain, like anything else, if it comes in too large quantities, can have detrimental effects on the land and on the people. Can cause floods and take lives. But that is just the natural way of things. Who are we to demand that Mother Nature alter her basic nature to make our lives easier? The rain to me is a promise. Not a promise that life will be without its fair share of storms. Or that it won't pull me into unexpected and even unhappy directions. But a promise that the cycle will continue and bring with it new chances, new love, new life.

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