No Buts

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Watch with captions so you can understand this song ^

Cynthia didn't remember the drive taking this long, then again, they didn't have to kill and bury a man - plus a funeral - or get pulled over by a cop. 

The only thing on Cynthia's mind was getting back to the city. She was almost there, maybe forty-five minutes away. 

As she drove mindlessly down the freeway, she looked at the beautifully senary all around her; the luscious green trees, the tall grass, the birds flying and chirping in the air, the smell of grass flowing through the open window. 

Cynthia was planning on going to the diner first, to tell her uncle Pat that she was fine. But then she realized she was gonna get questioned why her once grey t-shirt is now covered in blood and dirt. 

Cynthia debated if she should head home first, take a shower and get changed, but eventually decided she'd just go to the diner and make sure her uncle wasn't worrying. 

As she continued her seemingly never-ending drive, her mind drifted to Dallas. She wondered what he was doing right now, if he was still on his way to Canada or if he was sitting in an old, dirty, cold, jail cell for murder. 

But Dallas most likely wasn't in jail. Yeah, he's been jailed many times for shoplifting, vandalization of property and so many things like that, but Dallas would try hard not to get in jail this time. 

"Watch where you're going you stupid bitch!" An older woman screamed at Cynthia. That's when Cynthia realized she was half in one lane and half in the other, she got distracted thinking about the possibilities of where Dallas could be. 

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and mind your own business! I bet you're always stuck at home with your five kids while your husband sleeps around with other women and you can't do anything besides keeping your mouth shut because you know he would beat your ass the second you opened your mouth!" Cynthia screamed back.

The woman looked at Cynthia and burst into tears. Oopsies. Cynthia thought and rolled up her window as she drove faster and passed the woman's car.

Cynthia tried to focus on driving, but her mind kept wandering. She always felt herself getting distracted easily, but she didn't know how to stop it. 

Then her thoughts shifted towards Mark. She vaguely wondered what he was doing in the afterlife. Probably burning in hell. Cynthia thought. 

As time went on, Cynthia's mind wandered to other things like how good sex was with Dally. Eventually, she made it to Cynthia's diner. 

She sat in the parking lot for a good five minutes, debating if she should go in or not. It's only been two days. Cynthia thought. It's not like it's a big deal.

Cynthia finally plucked up enough courage and got out of the car, walking into the diner. 

"Where the hell have you been? And why the hell are you covered in dirt and- and...blood?" Uncle Pat's voice boomed through the restaurant. 

"I, umm, uhh," Cynthia didn't know what to say.

"'I, umm, uhh', what?" Pat snapped. "Go home, shower and get changed and be back here in half an hour. You have work to do."


"No 'buts'. You don't just get to disappear for two days and then randomly show up again." Pat said. "Off you go," He said, shooing her out the door.

Cynthia walked out the diner doors and back into Mark's car and started driving to her apartment. Cynthia honestly couldn't wait to change out of these dirty clothes she had been wearing for two days. 

Screw You - Dallas Winston x female!OC **COMPLETE**Where stories live. Discover now