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I know that I'm the best mistake you ever made
It sounds so fuckin' beautiful when you say my name

@ my worst - blackbear

We all headed to the Boneyard to set up. 

John B and JJ tapped the keg, handing Kie and I the cups to set next to it. 

Kie set them down and pulled out her bluetooth speaker, playing music from it.

"Hey." John B said, handing some kids from the Cut cups of beer. 

"Sup, man?" They said, taking it from him. 

As it got darker, someone started a bonfire. 

"You wanna dance?" JJ asked, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"Sure!" I said, holding my hand out. "Help me up?" 

He smirked at me and grasped my hand, pulling me up and into his chest, his hands gripping my hips as we moved away from the fire. 

JJ turned me around so my back was pressed against his chest as we swayed to the music. 

I took a drink of beer and JJ buried his face in my neck, pressing his lips to the skin. 

JJ took the cup out of my hand and passed it to someone walking by as he continued kissing my neck, ignoring the catcalls from the people around us.

"Get a room!" Someone yelled, and I raised my hand, flipping them off. 

We stayed like that until we saw John B walking by us. 

"Oh hey, you want this?" JJ asked, holding up his own cup. 

"Oh, for me?" John B asked, "Yeah, I'll take a sip." 

He went to take it from JJ when JJ spotted Sarah Cameron and Topper Thornton. 

"Hey, hey hey! Sarah!" JJ shouted, trying to get her attention. "Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks." Sarah said.

"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ asked her. 

"No. We were just leaving." Sarah replied. 

"Hey, you know what. I'll take it." Topper said, reaching for it.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you." JJ told him, pulling the cup out of Toppers grasp. "If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't."

"Oh. Pretty please." Topper said sarcastically. 

"Yeah, Sarah, you can have it." JJ went to hand it to her. 

"SHe doesn't want it." Topper said, smacking the cup up out of JJ's hand, dumping it all over me since I was still pressed against JJ's chest. 

"What the fuck man." I groaned. "Now I smell like beer."

JJ frowned and moved away from me, grabbing Topper by the shirt and shoving him away.

"Nah, man, calm down." John B said, pushing JJ away. 

"Oh you're so funny man!" JJ said. 

"You're just a bunch of dirty Pogues!" Topper called out. 

"JB don't do it." I said as John B turned and shoved Topper away from us. 

Topper proceeded to punch John B, shoving him into the water. 

"Don't make me drown you like your old man, alright!" Topper said loudly. 

Js and Cigarettes //JJ MAYBANK//Where stories live. Discover now