dinner with the madrigals

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Y/n pov

I woke up and yawned. I looked at my clock..IM LATE BY 5 MINUTES! I SLEPT IN SO MUCH!
I threw something on and did my makeup and hair quickly,I gave my mom a hug and ran out of the house as my little brother watched me leave with a confused face

Time skip

I knocked on the madrigals door
And camillo opened it and his frown turned into a bright smile as he hugged me tight. My eyes widened at the fact we were so close but I hugged him back "its only been a day jesus" I laughed "I know I just thought that cus you were late you wouldnt come,i was hoping you didnt think i was weird or something" he said as he pulled away

I looked up at him like he was stupid "why would I think that" I said and I swear i could've seen pink dust his cheeks "no reason!" He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside and to the kitchen,he sat me next to him and pushed in my chair,how nice of him.

He sat next to me and gave me a warm smile,I blushed a bit and looked away from him and I introduced myself to the rest of his family.

Time skip

Me and camillo put our dishes in the sink,he then grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs to his room. We both sat on his bed and I looked around his room in awe,their were chameleons along the walls.

Camillo pov

I watched her look around my room in awe,wow she was pretty "your room is so cool,and the doors look really cool just like you said" she smiled at me and my heart melted,I smiled back "yea it is cool isnt it" we stared at each other for what felt like forever until she spoke again "hey can I braid a few pieces of your hair? Your hair looks really nice and its tempting" I thought for a moment

"Sure why not hermosa" I said and then I faced my whole body towards her,she scooted closer and grabbed a small strand of my hair and split it into 3 strands that she slowly started to intertwine with each other. I probably looked like an idiot,but it was worth it. I was just staring at her face of concentration,then feeling my face heat up as I realized how close she was to me.

Y/n pov

I noticed camillos cheeks turn pink and I laughed to myself "staring problem much" I said as he quickly looked away and covered his face "I-I wasnt staring I swear y-you just had something on your face that's all,nothing more I promise please dont think I'm weird i-" I kissed his forehead "shut up you sound stupid with all that stuttering" I laughed at him as he went silent and froze up.

I tied the braid at the end with a small rubber band and I backed away from him "done" I said as he smiled a bit and grabbed a mirror "oh I like it it's really nice,you should do my hair more"

"Why so you can stare at me lovestruck some more pretty boy?" I smiled and his face flushed worse than it was "I'm not lovestruck y/n! You just had something on your face!" He yelled and I laughed

"Oh yeah you wanna laugh?" He said,a sly smirk growing on his face "wait we can talk about this-" i was cut off by him tackling me onto the bed and tickling my sides "c-camillo stop! Hahahaha!" I yelled and he started laughing too. He stopped after a minute and when I caught my breath I looked up and him and my face grew redder by the second.

He was on top of me,his face grew red as well. I froze up and he smirked "take a picture it will last longer senorita~" he said. I came back to my senses and rolled my eyes as I pushed him off and he laughed.

Time skip

He had walked me home he kissed my hand and said bye and I went inside,straight to my room and I threw myself on my bed with a smile on my face as I fell fast asleep.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now