chores with cami

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                             heres a playlist I made for you to listen to while you read

Y/n pov

I woke up from banging on my door,it was monday. Too early. I stuffed my face back into my pillow and I heard someone walk into my room and close the door behind them but I refused to open my eyes.

The figure sat on my bed and I felt a hand tuck some hair away from my face "c'mon hermosa~ get up we have things to do today~" i heard a familiar voice and opened my eyes to see camillo smiling down at me warmly "ughh it's too early,and how did you even get in my house camillo" I said as I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms. He reached his hand to me and fixed my hair "your mom let me in,shes a very nice woman" he smiled

"Of course she did" I sighed as camillo got up from my bed and he held his hands out. I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up and quickly dipped me and held me in that position "may I say Te ves muy bonita mi amor~"  he said as I felt my face heat up very quickly as I looked into those dorky eyes of his that were no more than 2 inches away from my face.

I've never realized how pretty he was up close..ugh shut up y/n you just met him like 3 days ago chill. But it feels like I've know him longer.
He let me go and waited outside for me to get ready. once I was ready I walked out and he started to walk me around the village,showing off his gift to me by greeting people and shifting into them.

He basically took me around town and let me help him with his chores so that I had something to do during the day

We eventually went to the markets and helped s woman carry her groceries,in return we got $20. It was a lot of groceries...anyways we finished for the day and decided to spend the $20 on ice cream for us both.

We sat at a bench and ate our ice cream.when we were done camillo looked at me and smirked "you know you have really pretty eyes mi vida" (mi vida means my life so its saying y/n is his world) I rolled my eyes and stared into space for a minute until camillo yawned and pretended to stretch and he put his arm over my shoulder.

He smiled at me and I looked at him "that was stupid" I said as he laughed a bit but after a few minutes I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me close. It felt nice. I know he was doing this in a friend way but it was still nice.

He rested his head on mine and I slowly wiggled my hand into his and he lifted my hand and kissed it "cant get enough of me huh mi vida?" He laughed and I laughed with him as my face got red.

"Camillooo! Come home!!" We heard Dolores yell from afar. Camillo sighed and looked down at me with a smile "welp you heard Dolores I have to go home" he said and I nodded.
We got up and I gave him a hug and his face flushed but he hugged me back "see you tomorrow?" I asked "see you tomorrow mi vida~" he replied as we pulled away. He kissed my forehead and walked away waving leaving me frozen in place.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now