morning with the madrigals

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(Special request chapter from mi amiga)
Y/n pov

I slowly woke up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with camilos hazel ones,he was smiling softly at me whilst playing with my hair. My face started to heat up very quickly and he definitely took notice.

"Buenos dias mi amor~" he grinned cupping my cheek,I rolled my eyes "buenos dias"

I stretched a little without moving too much until "mi vida,can I have a kiss? Just one more and you'll never have to do it again?" He pleaded and as soon as he said that I sat up and rubbed my eyes,he sat up with me and he grabbed my face and pulled it 1 inch from his "pleassseee?" He asked whilst looking at my lips then back to my eyes with a pouty face

I took his hand off of me and got up and brushed my hair. "No kiss the wall pretty boy" I yawned

He got up as well and grabbed my hands twirling and then dipping me whilst getting very close to my face "i will get that kiss whether it's in front of my family or alone mi corazón~" he smirked at me as my face flushed red,he would kiss me in front of his family?

I came back to my senses when he kissed my cheek and left the room saying "come down for breakfast when your ready mi vida!~"

Camilo pov

I immediately ran to Dolores room to see her and Isabella staring right at me with big smiles "this is weird..uhm I need help setting up a private spot later so that I can take y/n on a lunch date today to 'prove my feelings to her' " I smiled nervously and they started squealing.

"OF COURSE WE WILL HELP" they said in unison and I smiled happily as we started to plan before breakfast

Y/n pov,also time skip

I sat at the breakfast table with my food as camillo came and sat next to me,he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. IN FRONT OF HIS PARENTS THAT WERE SITTING ACROSS FROM US.

His parents both looked at us in suspicion. My face went red in embarrassment as everyone started eating,some having conversation as well. I nervously smiled at his parents and then started to drink my orange juice,as I was sipping camilo leaned close to me and whispered in my ear "you look very beautiful as always mi vida~" i felt my face heat up even more as I choked on my orange juice and started coughing...was this supposed to be pay back because I wouldnt give him a kiss?

Dolores started giggling with camilo as Isabella on my right side started to pat my back "woah you okay?" She asked worried "yes- yea- I'm completely fine my juice just went down the wrong pipe I apologize" I laughed a bit hoping she wouldn't question further. To my luck she didnt and we all continued to eat.

These eggs were really good. Camilo leaned over again and whispered to me "we have a date at 12 noon. You have no choice. Be there mi amor~" I slowly looked at him being redder than the ripest tomato you could ever find and all he did was smile at me innocently

I rolled my eyes and Dolores spoke up "so y/n,when are you going to start dating my brother?" Luisa snorted trying not to laugh and pepa looked directly at me and smiled,a rainbow forming over her head "yea when will you date my son you guys are perfect" she chimed

My eyes widened and I looked at camilo who spoke through the bite of arepa that was already in his mouth "whenever she accepts the fact that I love her-" he replied but was cut off by me smacking the back of his head getting an "AYE-" from him "dont speak with your mouth full camilo!" I yelled and everyone burst out laughing besides abuela,abuela rolled her eyes and got up and left.

Pepa managed to escape words "t-this is why I love y/n,shes not afraid to set cami straight" I laughed a bit as camilo looked at me with a frown "owww jesus you didnt need to hit me that hard mi amor-" I slapped my hand over his mouth and suddenly "I cant keep this in anymore! Dolores told me she heard them kissing and cuddling last night!" Mirabel blurted,"I have the feeling I should go" bruno said as he backed away from the table

Jesus christ today is going to be eventful

AUTHOR HERE idk if my friend will be happy with this lol I didn't really know how to make a simple morning super interesting but I tried my best!! Hope you like it hailey!!! ALSO TYSM FOR 698 READS HOLY MOLY ILY ALL AND AM GLAD YOUR ENJOYING THE FIC

"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now