maybe i dont like him

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Y/n pov

I had woken up the next morning by carlos shaking me awake "wake up pendeja" he said as I sat up and yawned "hm?" I hummed in response

"The whole town is celebrating love or something right now for valentine's day I dont know but I want you to go with me to it so get ready" he said leaving the room without giving me time to answer so therefore I had no choice but to go with him

Time skip

I had gotten a nice dress on and did my make up simply. I was walking with carlos who was in his normal attire he wrapped his arm around me as we walked through the crowd to a bit of a more open space with not as many people cramped together then he stood in front of me and looked me up and down "you look really beautiful princesa" he said with a smirk

I smiled "thanks" then festive music started to play and he held out his hand. For how often he was alone he was surprisingly a great dancer,he spun me and i laughed with joy,this was the happiest I'd been in a while. we danced for about an hour just having the time of our lives.

Then there was a slow dancing song me and carlos slow danced as we looked into each others eyes,I forgot about camilo.

"This is fun isnt it...havent had fun in a very long time,glad it's with you though" he smiled at me and I felt my face flush as he leaned closer "yea" I said a bit dazed by how close he was. I was admiring his freckles and eyes.

We slowly came to a stop and we both leaned closer and closer our eyes slowly closing as our lips connected.

It was still eager like before but this time it at least had some feeling in it. Some passion rather than last time.

But there was a problem,the kiss was nice didnt feel right...not at all. It felt more and more wrong the more the seconds passed. Until the slow dancing music stopped and I pulled away because I just couldn't anymore.

Maybe I was wrong,maybe I dont like him like that. My heart belongs to camilo and always will. I dont know why it took me so long to remember. It felt so wrong kissing carlos...his brother for christ sake. I'm so wrong.

I cant imagine the pain camilo must feel. I have to go tell him that I've made my decision and its him,always him.

"I'm sorry carlos b-but I cant. I dont like you that way and I'm just now realizing it. I'm sorry,I'm sure you'll find someone for you. But I have to find camilo" I said feeling guilty and he sighed but nodded nonetheless "I understand,go find him. I'll be okay.." he gave me a sad smile and let me go and I smiled back at him before going through the crowd until I found camilo standing by himself.

I went up to him "camilo! I really need to talk to you can we go somewhere private for a minute i-" I tried to continue but some girl came up to us and grabbed camilos arm,she looked around our age but it hurt to see another girl so close to him "what's happening? Who's this cami?" She asked. I felt upset 'cami'? That's what I call him.

"Oh um y/n this is valerie,valerie this is y/n my uhm...friend" he said as he smiled at her nervously making eye contact with her,I miss when he used to look at me like that. She started to pull him away "let's go dance guapo!~" valerie yelled as he laughed
"okay okay!~ uh i-ill talk to you some other time y/n!" He yelled as she dragged him away and I watched them dance happily together for a minute before walking home by myself in shock as tears started to fall.

Did he find someone new?....


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now