i love him

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I'm crying whilst writing this so dont blame me if its cheesy :')
Also please listen to the song with it for the full effect of the chapter
Y/n pov

I had woken up in camilos arms,he stayed over at my house the other night. It was sweet he said he wanted to 'make sure I was happy'. It made me feel nice inside.

I smiled at his sleeping figure and started to trace his face with my finger to get him to gently wake up,also because I just love looking at him.

His eyes fluttered and he opened them looking at me,he smiled softly and leaned into my hand as I cupped his cheek.

He held my hand onto his face and kissed the heel of my palm "good morning,I love waking up to such a beautiful sight~" he remarked and I rolled my eyes.

He laughed a bit and kissed my cheek as he got up and pulled me out of bed with him.

Time skip

Me and camilo were doing chores and he was helping me carry bags of rice to the same lady as before.

"Are you sure you want to carry THREE? They are pretty heavy. I'm only carrying two so I could take those from you mi vida" he insisted and I shook my head struggling "no it's fine I need the strength anyways" I laughed a bit and he smiled,wowie I love his smile. And his hazel eyes and curly hair. And how sweet he is. And how the sunlight bounces perfectly off of his golden glowing skin

I got sidetracked admiring camilo. And suddenly I was falling face first into the ground. I dropped the bags and hit my nose super hard on what I assume was a rock. Fuck my life.

I sat up from the ground holding my nose "fuck that hurt" I groaned as camilo dropped his bags too and ran over to me with an extremely worried look.

He cupped my face with his hands as he got in front of me on his knees. "Oh my god are you okay mi amor,that looked like it hurt. Do you feel pain anywhere? Is your nose okay? Do you need water?-" he said starting to panic but I cut him off "I'm okay cami there is nothing wrong" just then his face had a big frown "your nose is bleeding,a lot. We need to get you to tìa julieta" he said and then he picked me up carrying me bridal style towards the casita.

"Well- you dont have to carry me I can walk- I mean I'm not complaining because I've dreamed of this but-" I stuttered over my words turning red as he interrupted "listen mi vida I know I'm attractive but you dont need to stutter so much" he smirked at me trying to distract me from the blood running down my face,although he still looked a bit worried. I went beet red and just wrapped my arms around his neck while he carried me and I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks,even though its not that serious i still love you for caring so much mi amor" I stated as he got a bit red "stop making me blush I'm trying to worry for you" he said and I started laughing.

Time skip

We got to the house and he sat me in a chair and gave me some tissue that I used to clean up the blood that had gotten on my shirt. I looked at my shirt and frowned seeing it stained.

Camilo noticed and slipped his ruana over my head and I smiled and then the smile faded when I looked at him and his white polo shirt was slightly unbuttoned at the top. My face got red. Visibly.

He looked at me and his face contorted into worry "mi vida your face is red,I'm going to find tìa julieta " he said as he ran off and I hugged the ruana he gave me and I just put the tissue in my nostril.

He came back a minute later with an ice pack "tìa isnt here sadly so I'll just have to take care of you" he sighed as he pulled me up from the chair "it's really not that serious,I can handle it myself cami. I don't even need the ice pack" i said and he shook his head bringing us into his room "no I will take care of you no matter what it is my duty as a great boyfriend" he said and smiled at me as he layed me down on his bed and he layed with me like he had been this morning.

I smiled softly and he pulled me into his chest and rested his chin on my head as he held me. I felt so safe with him. I felt better already even though I never felt bad in the first place physically or mentally.

"Are you feeling better mi vida?" He said in a soft tone (like he did when he was helping his mom calm down in the movie) and he backed up a bit and looked down at me and I smiled "yes as I've been saying I'm fine cami" I said and he nodded.

"I love you you know" he smiled and I smiled back "I know,and I love you too"

Time skip

Julieta had gotten here and even though my nose stopped bleeding and it was fine he insisted I eat an arepa still. But I refused and he frowned "pleaseeee,i just want to be sure your okay." I rolled my eyes "but I am" i sighed "please I'll do anything just take one bite" he replied and I raised an eyebrow (I can almost hear the vine boom sound in the distance)

I thought for a moment "hmm,I'll do it for a kiss" before I could point to my cheek his face lit up and he cupped my face and our lips connected. It was sudden but sort of passionate? He really did love me huh.

I ran my fingers through his curls and placed my hand on the back of his head and he leaned into the kiss. I could feel my face turn beet red as he slowly pulled away and his face was the same color,he smiled nervously seeming a bit embarrassed for some reason. He then waves the arepa in front of my face and chuckles a bit at how stunned I was from how intimate the kiss was. It caught me off guard. (the woman was too stunned to speak)

Without a word I grabbed the arepa from him and took a bite and he sighed in relief. I then finished the arepa and stared at him for a minute as he scratched the back of his neck looking away embarrassed and I smiled "your really pretty you know" i said as he looked at me and laughed a bit

"Oh shut up I've been embarrassed enough today" he said with a red face and I smirked and cupped his face "your so amazing~" I teased and he furrowed his eyebrows. He pushed me onto my back on the bed "dont make me give you another kiss hermosa~" he said as he started to tickle me and I laughed until I couldn't breathe.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now