she knows

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Y/n pov

Camilo woke me up the next morning like he usually does,I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat breathing heavily as he woke me "woah woah are you okay?" He said as he reached to cup my face and I flinched remembering last night.

It put me in a state of constant anxiety and I felt more jumpy than usual. When I flinched camilo immediately retracted his hands and held them up in surrender position "hey woah,I would never hit you in a million years. Mi vida you dont seem well are you okay? Talk to me" he asked as I caught my breathe and sighed calming myself

"I'm fine cami,its nothing just..bad dream" I said hesitantly unable to get Carlos's words out of my head 'if I find out you told him...there will be consequences princesa~'

It sent a chill down my spine just thinking about it,camilo sat with me and pulled me into him and I melted into his arms as he rubbed my back.

I wanted to just tell him so bad to get rid of the pressure but who knows what carlos would do to me..

I stuffed my face into camilos shoulder and closed my eyes embracing his warmth " you think your okay to do chores today or?..." he asked hesitantly with worry in his voice.

"Yea,I'll be okay" I said as he nodded and then pulled away from the hug giving me a short loving kiss on the lips whilst cupping my face before leaving me to get ready.

Time skip

I had a box with some house decor in it that abuela wanted me to deliver to the house,she said she just wanted a slight change in the house and decided different decorations would be enough,dont know why she didnt ask luisa to do it but it's fine.

Casita let me in since my hands were full and I brought the box into abuelas room and set it down for her,she glanced at me suspiciously and opened the box examining the decorations inside "hm..these arent really what I wanted but it's fine I'll make do.." she said with annoyance in her voice as I frowned

"I-I can go get some different ones I mean-" she cut me off "no it's fine,your pretty weak anyways so you'll probably collapse if you had to do that again.." she said mumbling the last bit but I still heard it clearly and I looked at the ground sadly

"Oh yea go head to Dolores room she said she needed to speak to you" she explained and I nodded and headed to Dolores room knocking on the door.

She opened it and immediately pulled me in locking the door behind me "y/n I have to talk to you about something important" she said avoiding eye contact with me "go on" I said. Then I realized.

Shit I hope that's not why I'm here.

"W-well I heard you and carlos last night. I'm disappointed. I expected better from you-" fuck. I cut her off "w-wait you dont understand"

Time skip

I explained everything to her in better detail and she was shocked "oh- I-im sorry I didnt know carlos would do such a cruel thing- I'm sorry for thinking it was intentional- y-yet again you know I could only go based off of what I heard so-" she stuttered with guilt

"Its fine" I nodded and she sort of glared at me "y-youre gonna tell him right?.." she questioned "no i-imagine what carlos would do I-I-" I stuttered and her eyebrows furrowed "it doesnt matter. The right thing to do is to tell him...if you dont do it today then I will tell him myself by tonight. I'm sorry" she said and my eyes widened and thoughts started to flood my brain filled with the worst possibilities.

"F-fine I will" I said hesitantly and she nodded.

We left it at that and then I left.

As I walked out of the house tears started to form and just as they started to fall I ran right into camilo. Shit. Today was just falling apart.


"Mi Vida~" camillo madrigal x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now