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Beautiful nurses tried to comfort me, but none of the nurses could because my mind was too focused on the safety and condition of Jade.

"What does that even mean?" A female voice bubbled in my head. My hearing was limited and my eyes were heavy.

A frustrated male voice spoke, "He's been diagnosed with it!"

"How does one even have that?"

He sighed, "you ask him that. He's been through a lot."

Without meaning to, a groan came out and beeps increased. Finally my eyes opened and I realized I was in a hospital. In front of me stood my mom and a doctor.

"Harry!" She choked on a sob.

"Mom why am I here?"

The doctor did not let my mom start, "Harry when we were checking everything after we found you, there were some strange things we found so we brought you here."

I squinted still feeling like shit, "what kind of strange things?"

"Things with your brain and behavior."

My heart started to pound. Brain and behavior. This sound like the experiment. Was I really in a hospital or was this a secret coverup to start over again? Quickly my mind found Jade.

"Where's Jade?" I frowned.

"Harry you need to calm down." the doctor said. This only made my heart beat faster because he was trying to avoid my question.

"Where is she?"


"God dammit! I asked first! Where is she!?" I pounded my fist into the bed.

Both my mom and doctor was taken back by my behavior and possibly language. More tears fell from my moms eyes. She would need to deal with me being like this for a while.

"She is in her room recovering."

"Well let me see her." I started to relax.

"First we need to tell you some important things and then we can discharge you."

"Fine, fine but make it quick."

"I won't beat around the bush." he cautiously looked to my mom, "we found some things in your brain that weren't the same from most people."

"Okay yeah, I heard I was diagnosed with something."

"Your brain is mostly the same from everyone except for some areas where we found it to be changed from the past you. When we looked at it a little closer we realized it was because of depression so there is one diagnose. Y-"

"There's more than one?" I questioned.


"Ok sorry go on."

"Since you had severe depression, your brain was changing. There has been quite a few cases, and it increases each year, but when you have been depressed for a long time, your brain shuts down slowly until one day it's irreversible. Luckily yours hasn't shut down to the point where that happens so we prescribed you some pills."

"I've never had pills before." I mumbled. Having to get them into my system did not sound like something alluring.

"Just to make things quicker, we also found out you have bipolar disorder and post traumatic stress disorder."

"Then what was my mom stressing about earlier? About what it means?"

"She could not get over the fact that you have a bipolar disorder."

"I'm sorry honey." she sniffed.

I nodded at her and looked back to the doctor, "is that all?"

"Yes now we can let you go when you're ready."

"Now please."


She looked like an angel sleeping with her dark lashes tickling her cheeks. Strands of her hair rested on her shoulders and wove all around. It was a mess really, but it was a beautiful sight.

"Wow she really is beautiful." my mom faintly smiled.

A nurse walked in with a tray of food. Luckily it was a girl and not a boy. She set the tray on a table next to the bed.

"She's been doing really well. Surprisingly no one has visited her yet. I would have thought such a fine lady like her would have more company."

"Um," I uneasily spoke, "when can she leave?"

"Not until the end of the week."

"Oh! I just realized I don't even know what time or day it is."

"It's April 11. A Tuesday. I suppose you know the year."

"Yeah thank you."

"Mhm. If she wakes up just tell her she needs to eat."

"Okay." my mom joined.

The nurse left after that and when we went to look back at Jade she was still sleeping. I sat down next to her and my mom across. My hand found its way into hers and I laid my head against the bed.


"Yeah mom?"

"I just want to let you know I love you."

"I love you too mom." She sniffed as quietly as she could. A thought peaked my mind. "Did anyone else come to visit me?"

"Louis did."


"A couple hours ago. He had to go back because he had a dentist appointment."

"Seems reasonable. At least he made an effort to swing by."

"He started crying. Louis missed you a lot. When he heard about your disappearance he didn't go to school for a week."

I smiled at the thought of Louis missing me so much. He has been there for me through thick and thin, and has been my best friend since we were 16. It was like he was my brother and got switched at birth.

"Harry?" A soft voice whimpered.


She opened her eyes and yawned. "Is that your mother?"

"Yes." my mom smiled.

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Jade the nurse said you had to eat." I motioned to the food beside her.

"Hospital food is nasty."

"You have to eat it."

"Feed me daddy!" She laughed but then winced in pain. I handed her the tray and she began to eat. "So when can I leave?"

"The end of the week. Its Tuesday, April 11."

"What really? Last I remember the day I wasn't caged in like an animal was February 2."

"Yeah it's been a long while but thankfully we made it out alive."

"What ever happened t-"

"Hello is this Jade Evans room?" A man with a trench coat and dress shoes stepped in.

"Yes." Jade said with a mouthful of potatoes.

"I was informed Harry Styles was in here."

I glared at the man that stepped into the room. "Who are you?"

"Detective Cody."

"Aren't detectives people who work on unsolved cases?" Jade squinted.

"Yes but I am just here to get information on what happened."

"Okay." I mumbled.

"You are going to have to come back to the station with me and your mom can come alongside."

I looked at Jade and she nodded. Our hands unfolded and my heart felt emptier. Detective Cody led us through the silent halls of the hospital, into the crowd of paparazzi's, and into his car.

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