~13~ It'll Be Our Little Seceret

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~Richard's Pov~ (Or should I say Robin? >:3)
I just returned to Mt. Justice when Wally ran out of nowhere, or well the kitchen and slung an arm over my shoulder.

"Hey man! How was your night?! How's Kyron?! Is she safe?" Wally started bombarding me with questions, "Did anything special happen?" He ended jabbing me slightly with his elbow and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"M'gann, I think you gave him too many sweets. He's on a sugar high right now." I stepped out of his arm and plopped myself on the couch, turning on the TV.

"I made cookies!" M'gann was levitating out of the kitchen with a fresh batch of cookies, "Robin, how's Kyron? I heard she was hurt by the attack in the park." She was genuinely curious and worried, so I answered her.

"Kyron's fine, just some stitches. Nothing life threatening." I answered pithily.

"Did anything happen between you two?" M'gann and Artemis asked curiously, to which the others of the team itched closer to hear my answer.

"What! Why would you? What?!?!" I didn't know to tell them or not, my brain was on overload.

"It is fine friend; you do not have to tell us if you do not wish to." Kaldur stated, setting a friendly hand on my shoulder.

"But hey man, we're here if you want to tell us." Wall said plopping himself down right next to me.

"Oh look at the news!" M'gann exclaimed and pointed at the TV, grabbing all of our attentions.

"And for today's news, we're talking about Kyron Walker. Yes, that Kyron! The Kyron Walker of Star City! She's at it again, but hey it could never be bad if Kyron's there to help! Roll the footage Tim!" While she talked a picture of a smiling Kyron with an arm around a girl's shoulder, who had her face blurred, appeared in the top right corner, and on cue "Tim" rolled the footage.

"Here we see the courageous Kyron jumping to take the blow for her friend; whose name is withheld per request of her and Kyron; and the child her friend had rushed to assist. We can see them slightly arguing and the ice shards of Icicle Jr being pulled out by both of them; but that's to be expected by this duo!" The lady exclaimed excitedly while pointing out little details and playing it in slow-mo to show the little details.

"Now here's the part we've all been waiting for!" Kyron had just rushed in and was doing her flips and dodges against Icicle Jr.

"Look at that form! Amazing how brave and courageous she is, now watch this!" Red Arrow comes and knocks out Icicle Jr, and when Kyron and he talks, it seems like they're having a friendly conversation.

"Now would you look at that!? Kyron and Red Arrow both working together to take down Icicle Jr! Such a feat, but hang onto your seats people and watch what comes next!" It was me?!?!

But the tape was too blurred at this point to watch it and make out what was going on, the suddenly there was static and the screen goes back to the news caster.

"Well who was that mystery man of Kyron's? Of course it wouldn't be a boyfriend considering this is Kyron we're talking about!" She lets out a little chuckle to herself while some other people at the station join her.

"But perhaps it is? Maybe she'll even allow us to cover this story on her! One can only hope, I'm saying the best we can do is to get a story from a bystander. Well until next time my friends, we can only wait for more of her heroic feats. And coming from her, it's not that long of a wait."

The screen zooms out just like a news stations and it plays it news station music, and the news is over.

Artemis was the first to break the silence, "Who knew your girlfriend was so famous Robin." It was more of a statement than a question, but I stayed silent none the less.

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