Chapter 54

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I woke up to the annoying sound of excessively loud arguing, and that makes me mad. No one, and I mean absolutely no one wakes me up from my nap and gets away from it unharmed. No one.

Shivers ran down my spine as I stood up and stomped to the door, nearly stomping on Tigger's amused tail at the same time. Poor tiger, I didn't even notice that he was awake at the moment. It's just that he's usually the last one awake and the first one asleep.

A swift kick to the door and it opened without any resistance while I continued my short walk down the hall to get to the last compartment. With Tigger hot on my heels, I did a spinning back-kick and watched as the door threatened to fly off of its hinges. Even the hinges themselves were groaning and crowning, mostly due to the fact that I kicked it hard enough that it would splinter inwardly, because the door swings out, not in.

Their wide-eyed, surprised faces matched with their ready positions were extremely entertaining. Especially when they're in their superhero get-up, ready to save the world... Or something along those lines, anyways.

They stared at me, waiting for me to make my move, and I did the same with them. We both ended up standing and staring at each other in an almost awkward silence. I'm not sure what didn't make it completely awkward, but it just wasn't.

Then I broke the silence, "I know y'all be trying to be heroes and everything, but it'd be much obliged if y'all just shut your traps so I could sleep."

I couldn't help how I suddenly started talking with a Southern-like accent and what they'd also call an Oakie way of speaking, or so I believe. Either way, I had a slip of tongue and started speaking something other than an accent-free, grammatically correct, Californian language that I should be speaking.

I cleared my throat and act like nothing happened, watching the others stay silent to my slip-up, but I guess they didn't want to bring it up when they know that I could expose their identities in less than a second if I chose to.

Superboy stared at me and I stared back, seeing as he was the first one to break the silence, "Did-Did you just-"

"Let's not talk about it." I cut in right after he started his sentence.

Red didn't seem to like our "small talk" considering that he practically shoved Superboy out of the way to make it over to me. Once he was firmly standing in front of me, Red grabbed me by the collar, and literally hurled me across the room, most probably in a fit of anger if you consider who this person is.

Tigger seemed ready to lunge, to rip out his throat, and just to simply end the life of Red for what had done to me; but before Tigger did anything, I threw a hand up to stop him in an instant. Instead, he slowly sauntered into the room, although I'm not entirely sure if it was a saunter or not, considering that he was still in attack mode, ready to pounce when needed.

I slowly stood up and dusted myself off, "You should really start thinking through what you're doing before you do it."

Red narrowed his eyes at me and I didn't even try to fight the smirk that made its way onto my lips. I laughed while rudely bumping into Red's shoulder, causing him to stumble diagonally, and I ignored everything around me, continuing to walk as if nothing had happened to me. I walked to the doorway, daring any of them to break my stride, but none of them did. 

That only caused my smirk to widen, throwing a smirk over my shoulder I spoke, "You little kids should hurry up and catch the Parasite so I can take my nap in peace."

I guess Red turned around because he grabbed me by the shoulder and threw me against the wall again, something that would usually hurt someone if they didn't have a pain tolerance. He followed up with his throw by slamming his forehead against mines, digging his nails into my shoulders as he pushed them against the wall, a snarl adorning his lips.

I mirrored the vicious look on his face and suddenly, everybody was on edge.

"If you know so much about him, why won't you just do something about it?"

I stayed in place and opened my mouth to speak, Red backing up a few inches, and everyone around the two of us seemed to hold their breath, "Your breath smells like gummy worms, Red. Looks like someone's having a little cheat day."

I laughed an extravagant laugh while tilting my head back since Red was leaning forward to head place his forehead on mines, and now I'm just returning the favor. I brought my head forward and slammed it right on his nose, causing him to stumble back in both pain and surprise; involuntary tears were welling up on the corners of his mask.

I placed my hands on my hips, throwing my head back in laughter, "Parasite's going to be at the Large Boson Collider in Geneva, go do something about it; seeing as you guys weren't able to stop him earlier when y'all went top-side."

After that statement, I moved to leave, but with one hand cradling his hurt nose, Red grabbed the back of my collar just to stop me from walking. I couldn't help but laugh at his audacity, how he would still try to stop me even though it was obvious I didn't want to be stopped.

Everyone still remaining silent in this situation, Red simply growled at me, "How do we know you're not lying."

"Because I am Lioness," I turned around, swiping his hand from my collar, and throwing both arms to shoulder length to express my power, "I have no need to lie to you."

Red growled at me and I laughed, "Always the suspicious one. It's your choice anyways; listen to my advice or just find it out for yourself. I have no fucks to give, especially if it's to the likes of you."

Red growled again, pinning me to the wall by my throat and successfully cutting my air supply short now.

I still laughed while struggling a bit for air, my slightly sadistic smile never leaving my face, "What are you going to do? Murder me in cold-blood? You won't be able to do it; you're just a boy playing dress-up, trying to be a hero."

My words did nothing but make him madder; the grip on my neck increased, his short but clean nails digging into the sides of my neck not hard enough to draw blood, but powerful enough to possibly leave a baby bruise. 

My calm eyes finally received a crazed look to match the sadistic smile on my face when I felt his grip falter.

He was barely letting go when Superboy grabbed Red's wrist, presumably with his super strength, and ripped Red's hand away from me. Supie looked annoyed, his brows furrowed in irritation while his eyes was the living personification of anger, and I couldn't even think about how bad his gritting teeth were going to chip in the future.

"See?! You couldn't even if you tried," I was referring to how his grip was loosening on me earlier, "You couldn't even if you wanted to!"

"But you know what?! I'll be generous to your situation, Red! I'll help you with Parasite." I smiled widely and a bit sarcastically, "You should be grateful!"

They all looked at me strangely, but with one Martian down, and no one with the knowledge of what I might do; they needed me on their side, and I didn't mind being there if it meant that I could return to my nap sooner.

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