~35~ Cup of Crazy

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"It worked!" Billy exclaimed as the others looked at him in surprise.

They all moved towards him, but Aqualad was the first to speak, "Where did you come from? Who are you?"

"Quick, read my mind." Was Billy's only response and to that M'gann's eyes flashed their telepathic green, signaling that she was reading his mind.

When she found whatever she was looking for, she gasped, "He's Captain Marvel."

Though KF didn't believe it, stupid skeptical non-believer sarcastically fired back, "Yeah and I'm Speedy Gonzalez. Look, just because he's-"

Billy cut him off, "Gee Wally, do I really have to get you nachos and pineapple juice just to get on your good side?"

They all looked at the boy, wide-eyed in surprise, and I silently chuckled at them, only being to hide the giant smile on my face due to the hood of my cloak being on.

From there Billy acted as a messenger between the two worlds, due to the fact that Billy Batson is about 9 years old and Captain Marvel is old.

"There will be threats in both dimensions; we may not be familiar with our opponents." Batman told us through Billy.

"But the key to this mission is coordinated simultaneous attack." Aqualad explained to Billy who would turn into Captain Marvel to tell Batman.

"Agreed. Our best chance against sorcery is to strike fast, disrupt their efforts." Billy replayed Batman's idea to us.

"And hope for the two dimensions merge naturally into one." Aqualad spoke dramatically and when he said "hope" that kind of freaked me out to the point of cursing at them in Russian.

Superboy knows Russian, but made no move to rat me out other than the raise of a questioning brow, and Ms. M didn't have enough time to translate the language before I was down ranting.

"I'm going to go yell at Batman for this idea, I'll be back later. Probably." I announced as I drew my sword and drew a pentagram on the ground that ended up glowing a blood red color, and no I'm not going to offer a blood sacrifice or anything.

A pentagram's for good and protection so get that through your skulls, and no I'm not going to be transmuting anything either.

This isn't Full Metal Alchemist if you're starting to think that.

"Oh, and Zatanna, I know you can do this." I smirked at her before I continued with the spell.

After my pentagram was done I dropped to one knee and slammed my fist on it, "Verte mihi XVIII." (Turn me 18.)

Don't worry about ruining your floors though, when I draw something for magic it's usually out of light, I guess it's kind of like the transmutation circles from Full Metal Alchemist.

Well anyways, the wind picked up and in a flash of red lightning I was no longer in the children's realm.

I slowly stood from my one knee kneel and flicked my now considerably longer hair, which reached the small of my back, in a dramatic hair flip and fixed my black patrol hat that I will apparently wear in the future on this occasion.

I was wearing a black domino mask, ninja mask around my neck, white short-sleeved dress shirt with the top button unbuttoned, a black fem-vest, black jeans, black combat boots, my swords were strapped to my sides, and my pocket watch was in the vest pocket.

It gave me a butler like look; I guess I must be one hell of a butler. Nudging out to all those Black Butler fans.

All in all I was taller and had them curves, not large curves but slight curves.

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