~52~ I Am Lioness

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I was napping peacefully until I was interrupted by a warm tongue mercilessly attacking my face and an uncomfortable amount of pressure applied onto my sternum.

"Tigger, get off." I grunted, out of breath, and trying even harder to keep what little breath I had.

I weakly pushed his face aside and wiped my face on my biceps at the same time; but I couldn't stop the gasp for air when I tried to turn and lie on my side, my left side to be more exact. 

If you've forgotten already, I allowed myself to be bitten by Tigger just to show off my stupidity; the stupidity that Tigger, my own tiger, had been used to from all of the times and memories we have shared together.

I released a curt laugh followed by a short gasp of pain originated from my carotid artery, a major artery in my neck. 

After Tigger had moved from his spot of assaulting my face and shielding my eyes from whatever light was being casted throughout the area, the light violently assaulted my eyes viciously enough to cause a temporary blindness.

I raised my arm -my other arm, my right arm- to create a slight shield against the brightness. It worked long enough for my eyes to adjust; it was also long enough for another silhouette to block out the light once again.

I would say that my eyes adjusted well enough to see who the silhouette was, but it really didn't.


The answer was simple, the person that I called Free Bird crouched down to look at me, allowing the light to assault my eyes once again, and causing my eyes to once again require time to adjust to the brightness.

The man before me was none other than Clone Harper, the person that I accidentally called Free Bird, and the one that had caught me as I collapsed from a "vicious tiger attack" from a harmless little pussy cat.

Well, I guess it's rude to call him Clone Harper since he didn't exactly mean, plan, know, or want to be a clone. He just ended up being one against his own will and what little of a desire that he holds.

How about we just call him, Red?

Red immediately grasped my face in one of his hands, "How are you feeling?"

Once again, a bright light assaulted my eyes, but this light was even brighter and more concentrated than the ones from before. This light was coming from a flashlight, possibly LED, but definitely enough to blind anyone.

I had, what I would call, a natural reaction of anyone that had just experienced something as I had.

I forced the muscles of my right arm to move, to work, to do something... Anything and they did.

I reached up and slapped that bastard in the face, but not on purpose. The flashlight was disorientating enough, not to mention the fact that the multiple sudden changes of light has affected my perception of distance, making me perceive it farther than it truly was.

"What the hell?!" He growled at me while I craned my neck to look at him.

I simply smirked, not even regretting it one bit, before slamming my head back onto the ground. Maybe I slammed it a bit too hard because even with my thick skull, it still hurt like hell, hard enough for me to groan in pain.

A pained groaned resonated from my throat but I still managed to release a stressed laugh while I spoke slowly, "I regret nothing."

"Sure you don't." He gave a sexy chuckled with his deep voice.

I blushed at the thought of Red being sexy, but not denying the fact that it does sound so. I don't mind admitting that someone's sexy or hot, even if I'm in love with Richard, because being n love with him doesn't change the fact that a person is sexy.

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