~47~ How Does She Know

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"Oh who the hell cares if you're above average or not, I want to get this chorography over with already!" Emma yelled once again, hands thrown up in the air.

Liam, who is usually on Emma's side, nodded his head in a bored fashion while holding Christian in a sleeper hold.

Christian only holding on by a single hand; literally, he had his hand stuck between his neck and Liam's arms to give him some air. 

Sabrina had a huge sweat drop and unbelieving look on her face but a smile still present at our antics and from the fact that Christian was still trying to get out of Liam's hold.

In the end he could only give up and tap.

Too bad I would never tap though. I'm serious, even if I'm about to go unconscious I wouldn't tap. I won't give up until I'm actually unconscious, which has never happened before.

I would break their arms before I let them knock me out.

"You don't want to get it over with; you just want to go bowling." Christian scoffed while trying to catch his breath.

Liam smiled and slammed a hand on the heaving boy's back only to have Christian grunt in discomfort.

"So what if I do?" Emma growled rather than blush and be embarrassed from being discovered.

I threw my hands up in innocence, "Keep me out of this. I swear, do not drag me into this conversation."

"Drag her into the conversation. Do it!" Christian snickered and I clipped him in the jaw within seconds of him saying that.

Everybody but Richard placed their hands in the air and took a large step back in defeat and the drive to not get punched in the face by me.

Richard merely laughed at the scene before him add if it were the funniest thing in the world, clutching his sides and showing off his prefect teeth.

This is why I love him, I mean seriously, I just clipped someone across the jaw and he thinks it's hilarious.

Not many people would react like they and that is exactly why I love him.

Sabrina looked a bit surprised but cleared her throat anyways.

How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?

"Which song is this?" Richard asked but was ignored by everybody.

Liam joined in by going to his deep voice that he uses when bored opposed to his usually normal voice that isn't even that deep unless he makes it deep.
How does she know that you love her?

Together they sang and we jumped the stairs to walk down the street.
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?

"I swear I've heard this song before." Richard shook his head while walking with us.

Emma then cut in and stole the spot light, jumping past us all to get to the front and dramatically raising her arms.
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her or she'll be inclined to say

A hand over her heart, Sabrina and Emma dramatically sang; Liam pushing me to the front so I would take the next part.
How do I know he loves me?
How do I know he's mine?

I chuckled inwardly and shook my head before dancing and singing with the song.
Well, does he leave a little note
To tell you, you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers
When the sky is gray? Hey

Richard laughed at this, "Maybe I will."

We made our way to the park with our little group and continued singing.
He'll find a new way to show you
A little bit everyday
That's how you know
That's how you know he is your love

Christian cut me off both in song and in stride. He slid to the front and started singing while the rest of us went to chorus.
You got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to lead her
To believe you love her

"Of course I will." Richard scoffed and I laughed.

We all took long steps, the boys to the right and girls on the left and each of us in a single file line, the ladies hand on the boy's elbow like at a wedding.
Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true

Together we separated and the ladies started singing while sitting on a bench, us striking thinking positions while the boys looked highly offended.
How do you know he loves you?
How do you know he's yours?

The boys came over to our bench and offered us their hands to the respectful couple/group. As we danced our own style, some of us waltzing or something, the boys sang. In a suggestive tone might I add.
Well, does he take you out dancing
Just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words
Meant just for you? Ooh

Richard actually took this few lines by himself and it slightly surprised us into not singing it.
He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do

We all pulled apart and since this verse was supposed to get louder, the boys joined Richard on the first line, the girls taking the second, and together on the last one.
That's how you know
That's how you know he's your love
He's your love

I took this part after Richard just for the hell of it.
That's how you know he loves you
That's how you know it's true

Christian took his turn and stared into Sabrina's eyes with a massive smile on both of their faces.
Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fire's glow, ohh

Sabrina looked like her heart had melted because she was barely able to sing her part while her cheeks flared up.
His heart will be yours forever
Something every day will show

Once again we sang together.
That's how you know
That's how you know he's your love

Emma took this verse.
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her
(That's how you know)
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader

We allowed Liam to take the closer because we always took this Irish bastard that's able to hit the low notes for granted and for some reason, he enjoyed the movie like a teenage girl.
(That's how you know)
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you know that you love her
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
(He's your love)

I'm not sure why we just covered "That's How She Knows" by Giselle from Enchanted, but we did and it was fun and hilarious. People screamed, they cheered, they laughed, and then they dispersed.

I can't even call Liam an Irish bastard for likening the movie because it was an awesome movie a bit on the funny side that mostly everybody loves.

"So, how does she know you love her?" Christian directed the unspoken question at Richard and everyone fell silent.

Richard's eyes widened behind his darkly tinted sunglasses while he answered, "Well."

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