~40~ Creating Fear

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We walked through the twists and turns of the cave, and before we made it to the secret hideout.

At the end of the tunnel there it was a dead end cavern.

"Welcome, to the Crystal Caverns." I sidestepped and showed him the glowing blue room.

Sure enough there were large crystals forming on the walls, ceiling, floor, and anywhere else that crystals could possibly form.

A natural occurrence, a natural and beautiful occurrence that was rare. I didn't want people to find this place because they might show other people and those people might tell other people and then someone would get greedy and try to take the crystals from the cavern.

"Wow." Was all Richard could say and I laughed at his stunned face.

"I know, right?" I smiled and we just stood there, staring at the shinning blue crystals, crystals that reminded me of light sky, or Richard's eyes. Both work perfectly fine.

That's when my phone started ringing at a frequency that only my animal ears could hear. 

"Richard, it's late I should get home before somebody worries, and I promise you this. A lot of my friends will worry if I don't get home." I chuckled a bit, and Richard followed.

"Yeah you're probably right. Let’s go." He told me as his phone started ringing as well, he as well, chose to ignore it.

~An Hour Later~
I was sitting on a ledge over Star City, just waiting.

Then a mist started falling on the ledge and over it, "Phantom." 

"Misteria." I greeted her without looking and she giggled, she was standing behind me, just standing there.

Then a loud crash happened, "Conlaed, you Irish drunk."

"Do not bring in that stereotype, Phantom." Conlaed told me hardly and I gave off one simple ha.

"You freeze the world over." My body turned to ice, my outfit turning white with it.

"You burn the rest." Conlaed basically burst into flames, becoming like the Ghost Rider from Marvel comics.

He was dressed in a dark red v-neck shirt, about the color of my eyes, a black blazer, black jeans, black boots, and a black bandana tied around the bottom part of his face, a white skull printed on it.

His weapon of choice was a gun designed like Mr. Freeze's except Conlaed shoots fire or lava with a flip of the switch instead. He's got a pretty strange power, instead of blood flowing through his veins he has lava instead.

"And then you cover it all in mist." Misteria added in, her mist settling in all around us, causing us to disappear within it.

She was wearing something simple but hidden under her thick cloak, I would say she's wearing a graphic tee and jeans with a pair of converse but then again she could be wearing something else.

I had switched out all of my blades, swords, and bo staff for one simple cane sword, keeping only my throwing cards for the weapons of Shadow and Phantom were to similar and someone would probably make the connection sooner or later if we kept using the same weapons.

"Phantom, why are we here?" Misteria, Misty for short, asked as we stopped at Gotham City. Misty's mist and my magic combined allow us to teleport farther than alone since it would usually drain our powers a bit.

"I've come to kidnap the Bird." I answered in a bored tone, extending my legs their full length while facing them on my ledge.

"Because?" Conlaed questioned in his usual lazy tone.

"I want to play a game." I stood up and Misty understood why I meant.

"How splendid, a game." Conlaed replied boredly and Misty disappeared alone in her mist to get ready to play.

"How about we grab our friends, Conlaed?" I smirked and leaned back, falling off of the ledge while Conlaed simply jumped off of it, creating a slight tremble as he landed.

"You should lay off of the burgers my friend." I laughed and playfully slapped his arm.

He gave off a lazy recognition and followed me to the open, damn Conlaed and his lazy nature. Well it's not always bad to be lazy because within minutes the Bird and his friends were here.

I sighed and casually slipped out a five dollar bill from my back pocket before slapping it into Conlaed's awaiting palm. The bet decided who the Bird would come with, I betted the Bird and the Bat, Conlaed's bet is pretty obvious.

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