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Eddy knew his luck was never the best but he’d never thought it would go this bad.

A few hours ago, before this mess even happened, he heard that there was a new neighbor just across his house. Eddy was never the extroverted type of person but he’d always try to make friends around. Eddy decided to do some grocery shopping so that he could have enough ingredients for his cookies. Yes, cookies. It may seem a bit childish but he wanted to make a good impression.

Soon enough, he got into his car and drove off.

As Eddy got out of his car, from a distance he saw someone very familiar. He squinted his eyes to see better but in the end he just shrugged it off. “I should probably get going before people think I’m a creep.” he mumbled to himself as he entered the store. 

He quickly got a basket and went on his way. He read his shopping list quietly as he scanned through the aisles. He tried to make his shopping quick, to avoid any confrontations or conversations. It’s just not his thing. He made sure he avoids it at all costs.

As he got some flour, he suddenly saw that person again on the other side of the aisle. It took Eddy a while to process but soon enough he finally remembered. Wait.. Is that Brett? He thought to himself. Brett was one of his old friends and they became very close until highschool. He remembered the times they’d do some buskings every weekend just to earn money for bubble tea. It was definitely some fun times. 

He blinked a few times only to see no one again. Am I going insane now or what?

After that crazy incident, he came back to his apartment and laid out all the groceries on his counter. Eddy started making the dough by mixing the flour and eggs. Thankfully, cookies were one of the foods he used to make a lot of times so everything went by a breeze. Not even 30 minutes later, he was already placing the raw cookies in the oven and setting it’s timer.

He sat down on his couch and sighed. Even though he could make these cookies without any problems, it still made him tired for whatever reason. He stared at his window and gazed on the beautiful trees before dozing off, remembering the scenario from earlier.

 Was that really him? He doubted himself. Although, he had always been curious about what happened to him. He seemed fine when he saw him in the store but he was still curious. His disappearance was always a mystery to him and his other friends since he left the school without a trace or without any news from the school whatsoever.

He quickly shook his head as soon as he heard the oven beeping and the faint smell of burned pastries filled the apartment. He didn’t realize for how long he was daydreaming but there’s no time to think that. “Shit shit shit, the cookies!” He cursed a bit too loud and opened the oven only to be surprised by gray smoke and burnt cookies.

“Well fuck.” He muttered to himself as he sighed. He had no choice but to bake them again. Luckily, he’d always buy some extra ingredients.

And at last, after an hour he had remade a whole new batch of pastries and thankfully it didn’t burn. He quickly got a nice container and placed the freshly baked goods there, to make it at least presentable.

He got out of his apartment with the cookies and slowly went to the new neighbor’s house. He took a deep breath and knocked a few times. He held his breath as he saw the door slowly opening. His eyes quickly widened when he saw his new neighbor. None other than Brett.

“H-hi, it’s nice to see you again.” He stammered as a smile grew on his face.

“Oh, uhh, nice to meet you too..” Brett replied but it seemed hesitant but Eddy couldn’t care less about that.

“So, here’s some pastries.” Eddy said as he handed the box.

“Oh, what’s this for?” The neighbor asked.

“Just a welcome gift you know?”

“Oh, that’s nice of you. Thanks!” Brett thanked him as he took the cookies. Eddy gave him a smile, he was so happy to finally meet him again. After all those years.

“So, do you wanna go and grab some bubble tea, for old time’s sake?” Eddy suggested.

“I’d love to, but I just wanna know.. Have we met before?” Brett asked.

Eddy furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “Yeah, we used to go to the same school until highschool, remember?”

“No, I don’t. Sorry.”

Those last words shattered him. Brett had forgotten about him? Did he hear that right? As he was about to leave, he felt a hand grab his. He turned around to see Mrs. Yang. Brett’s mom. Eddy politely insisted that he was about to leave but Brett’s mom told him to stay so that she could explain what happened.

Eddy felt obligated to stay so he did. He was led to a nice dining room and was offered some water. Soon enough, Mrs Yang explained the whole story. “I’m really sorry you had to find it out this way but I hope you’d understand.”

Eddy only nodded, anxious on what the story could be. The story behind his disappearance.

Mrs Yang began, “So, unfortunately from what we have heard, Brett was walking back home from school and everything was dandy. Soon enough, as he was about to cross the streets, a car crashed into him.” She explained. “Of course he was sent straight to the ER. The doctor told us that his head had taken damage but thankfully he made it alive. The only problem now is that he forgot his memories and has a hard time remembering. We decided to just give him a break from school and maybe start fresh on a new one. We're sorry that we didn't give you any information.”

Tears were streaming down his face uncontrollably as he heard the news. Alas, he had found the reason for the disappearance of his best friend but Eddy couldn't help but feel upset. He promised to protect him and yet he felt like he failed at it. All of this news was too overwhelming for him so he quickly nodded and mumbled. "It's fine Mrs Yang. But thank you for telling me."

He soon got out of the house, eyes blurry because of the tears. As soon as Eddy got in his apartment, he slammed the door and gave a big sigh. He couldn't help but feel sad at the thought of Brett who almost died. He sat on the floor and looked up at the ceiling, attempting to calm down. After a while, Eddy heard a few knocks on the door. He slowly got up and wiped the tears in his face and opened it only to see Brett.

“Oh, what are you doing here?” Eddy sniffled.

“Oh, I just wanna say I’m sorry if I don’t remember you but I really just can’t.” Brett apologized as he fiddled with his fingers.

“Oh, it’s alright. It’s just a lot to take in.” Eddy replied “Anyways, is that the only reason you came here?”

“No, I was hoping you’d still come with me for bubble tea. I really wanted one when you mentioned it.”

Eddy couldn’t help but smile at him. Typical Brett, loves bubble tea with all his heart. The one thing he could never forget. “You want to come with me then?”

Brett eagerly nodded.

And with that, Eddy chuckled and agreed to come with him.

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