Lucas The Violinist

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// Okay so I was looking through my school files until I saw a short story project that I did back then and guess what? It had Brett and Eddy in it! Sadly my teacher didn’t recognize twoset but hey I got a good grade in it. So Imma just share the story here hehe. It's not fully twosetviolin but they are involved in the story. Enjoy! //

Lucas is a shy boy who loves to play the violin. He had been very passionate about it and wanted to become a soloist one day. But because of this, he had been bullied real bad that he had to move to a new city and new school.

    It was his first day in Minnesota All boys school today and he was so nervous. He was shaking and had butterflies all over his stomach. He never wanted to move, he may have gotten away from the bullying but he had lost all of his close friends in just one move. He was staring at the car window, lost in thoughts, he was just overwhelmed with the situation.

"HEY LUCAS! We're here, wake up!" Her sister shouted at her and made him flinch. Her sister snickered. What a way to start school. It didn't make his mood better as he went out of his sister's car and slammed the door hard. 

"Everything is gonna be fine, Lucas. Breath." He said to himself and took a deep breath and walked in.

    He went inside the school and he could not believe what he saw. The school had huge hallways and so many rooms and practice rooms. He took out a piece of paper in his jacket, it was his timetable, schedule, and locker no. He walked around to find his locker, which was easier than expected. He put his other stuff inside the locker, his violin case and other books he didn't need. As

   As he was finished unpacking his stuff he turned around to see someone was behind him. He jumped a bit and got scared.

"Hi! I'm Tye! I am so sorry I scared you a bit. I just saw someone new so I thought I'd check" the guy smiled at him. 

"Oh don't worry about it. I'm Lucas by the way." Lucas greeted back and shaked hands with Tye.

   Since there was still more time, Tye gave Lucas a tour around and it made him feel welcomed. He never thought to have a friend this quick. It was too good to be true.

   The bell rang and they both went to their classes separately. Lucas had enjoyed his time in class despite that it's AP. Everyone around him was very kind to him.

   It was recess and Tye was actually waiting for him in front of the door. Lucas saw him and they gave each other a high-five.

"Hey, wanna join us in the cafeteria?" Tye asked him. Lucas felt a strange feeling but he just thought it was nothing and went with flow and followed Tye. 


    He first stopped at his locker to drop his stuff until Tye pushed him against the lockers. He got scared as he turned around and saw Tye with 5 other students. He crawled back as Tye got closer.

"W-what are y-you doing!?" Lucas said with his shaky voice. He was so scared and felt like crying.

"How oblivious of you! Did you think I would ever be friends with you? As if." Tye scoffed and punched him in the stomach for no reason. Lucas groaned in pain, tears were filling up his eyes. Tye noticed and teased him again and started punching him all over. He regretted everything. How stupid of him to believe that Tye was his friend. He should've known by now to not trust anyone. He cried in pain as Tye kept going.

   Tye and his friends were satisfied and left him on the floor. Lucas sat up and covered his eyes and cried. He just wanna disappear at this point.

    Someone saw him and how awful he looked, the guy felt bad and went near him. Lucas felt something tap his shoulder but he didn't dare to look. 

"Hey, what happened to you?" The guy asked, concerned.

    Lucas decided to look up to the guy with teary eyes. It was quite obvious that he was crying, no one will be fooled by that. As he looked up, he shot a look at the guy and asked.

"W-why do you care?" Lucas asked bitterly. But he gave the guy a chance and told him what happened, maybe he can help him. The guy sat down and listened through. A bit of time has passed and both stood up. Lucas felt a lot better after telling the guy. He thanked the guy, and smiled at him.

"Hey don't mention it! O-oh I'm Eddy, by the way." The guy said with a smile

"I-I'm Lucas." He introduced himself.

"Say, uh, wanna come to the park? My friends are waiting for me there." Eddy asked, hoping Lucas would say yes.

"Uhh, sure." Lucas answered with hesitation. He didn't want to be attacked again. But he gave the man a chance. After all, he was able to calm him down and listened through his problems.

   He saw Eddy wave his hands to a guy with glasses sitting under an Acacia tree. Eddy and Lucas sat down. Eddy asked if it's okay to bring someone and the guy nodded.

"Hey, I'm Brett! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice meeting you, too. I'm Lucas." He introduced himself.

    After a few minutes of explaining what happened, the four got along pretty well. Things got better as they noticed they all have the same class after Music.

    They all went to their lockers and brought their violins. The two were surprised to see Lucas with a violin. They all went to their class as happy as 4 year olds who had gotten the toy they wanted.

    Lucas had really liked the class. He had also made an impression on his new friends as he played Paganini Caprice 13 on his violin. He was really good.

     Classes had ended. Brett and Eddy decided to stay for a while to hangout with Lucas. All 3 decided to go back and sit in the big Acacia tree and admired the view. 

     They chatted for a while and asked questions to each other for them to know more about each other. They obviously had fun talking, especially Lucas. It was good to know that Eddy and Brett weren't traitors like Tye. 

"What made you transfer school?" Brett asked curiously.

    Lucas hated that question. He wasn't open about problems like this. He looked down in the grass and took a deep breath. 

It's okay, Lucas. Just tell them. You trust them, right? His mind persuaded him and he was able to tell.

"Uhh, I transfer because I was bullied a lot for being a Violinist at my old school and they broke my old violin and bow." Lucas felt really awful. All of his memories went back to him and he felt a dam of tears just broken. A small sob escaped his lips as the memories won't stop hurting.

    Eddy hugged him and Brett rubbed his back as a way of comforting him. It had really helped him a lot. He had calmed down and smiled at them.

    He decided to stop the drama and talk again to lighten the mood.


   Time passed by and his sister finally came. He quickly jumped up and waved goodbye to the boys and hopped inside his sister's phone. He went inside with a deadpan face. He grabbed his phone and played some music. His sister saw him and smiled.

"You looked like you had fun." His sister said.

"Yeah, I did."

"Did you find a Girlfriend there?" His sister snickered.

"Oh, shut up" he rolled his eyes and closed them. He felt a happy spark in him. He never thought it would be this successful. 

     He knew that more challenges were about to come but he just wanted to enjoy it for now. He sighed and laid his back in the car seat and thought.

Thank Goodness.


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