The Challenge Pt. 2

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The day of the funeral finally came. 

Eddy didn’t feel like coming over but he knew he needed to be there. For his Brett. 

Eddy couldn’t figure out what to do there other than just stare at the air, letting all his emotion flow out. He tried to stay away from others, avoiding any conversation with anyone. He never liked talking to others or engaging in conversations, especially today. All he did was sit like a wallflower for almost the whole thing. Soon enough, he couldn’t handle it anymore and stood up, ready to leave the place.

As he was about to step out, he felt someone touch his shoulder and he didn’t even need to look as he immediately recognized the voice. 

“Hello, Eddy.” Mrs Yang said.

“Hi.” That was all he could say.

“Before you leave, I have something to give you.”

Eddy now looked at Brett’s mum and saw that she was holding a big box. “What’s this?”

Mrs Yang smiled at him and said “I made a promise to Brett that I will give these to you. You can bring it home and see what’s inside.”

Tears were slowly forming in Eddy’s eyelids. He tried to blink them away and mumbled “Thank you. I promise to keep it safe.”


Eddy finally arrived at their apartment. He quickly got out of the car with the box in his arms. It was a bit heavy but he can manage. He got inside and closed the door immediately. He carefully placed the box, to hopefully not break anything in there and sat on the sofa. 

He let out a sigh and stood back up to get some scissors.

At last, he sat back down and looked at the box. I wonder what this could be Eddy thought.

With a heavy sigh, he got the scissors and glided it on the box. He didn’t even fully open the box but he instantly recognized the first thing there. It’s Brett’s violin!

Eddy’s eyes opened widely and carefully took the violin case out of the box. He smiled softly as he saw stickers placed on the case. It was so cute. He ran a finger across the case and slowly lifted it up. Memories of Brett were flooding back to him as he saw the beautiful violin. Eddy choked on a sob as he looked at it. He wished he was able to play a duet with him or even just listen to him playing one last time.

After a few minutes, Eddy swly wiped his tears with his thumb and carefully placed the violin and its case on the ground. He then looked inside the box again. As he looked through it again, he saw a small red box laying around. Eddy picked it up and examined it. The box was nicely tied with a golden string. Out of curiosity, he pulled the strings and unboxed it. His eyes shimmered as he saw what’s inside. It was a small violin usb, the same one that he got during christmas.

Eddy gently took it out and smiled. The violin usb had a semi-quaver note painted in the back. As he was about to place it on the table, in his peripheral vision, he saw something in the box. He took a closer look and he noticed it was a piece of paper folded up. He grabbed the paper and unfolded it.

Eddy was a bit shocked when he unfolded the paper. It was a handwritten note from Brett. He decided to read it, maybe it can explain what happened to him?

Hey Eddy

If you are reading this right now, I will just take the opportunity to ask how you are. I’m assuming I’m not there beside you anymore and mom gave you the box. Please take care of it for me. I know this all happened so suddenly for you and I’m very sorry for that. I’m really sorry I had to let you do the challenge for my last day but I didn’t want your last moment with me to be in a hospital slowly dying. I wanted you to be happy. If you ever miss me, I made a bunch of recordings of me playing, talking, shredding on the violin and hopefully it’ll cheer you up :)

Eddy was already crying for who knows how many times already but he didn’t care. 

And before I end this note, I just wanna say..

There’s more notes in the box d:

Also, don’t forget to prctice, my dear. Make sure to practice 40 hours a day, make lingling happy for me :)

Love you, Eddy <3

And with that, Eddy placed the note back at the table as he placed his hands over his face, rubbing it harshly. He really wished Brett was still here but what else can he do about it? Right, nothing. It made him feel so awful and useless, he couldn’t even figure out why.

Eddy once again took a peek in a box as he remembered what the first note said “There’s more notes in the box..”

He rummaged through the box once again and the last thing he saw was a book.

The book looked old and dusty, but Eddy didn’t mind. He blew some of the dust away and opened the cover. The first page has Brett’s handwriting again and it was written: Hey love, glad you found the book! I hope you like what I did here. I did leave some space if you ever wanna write stuff down so it would be still half useful.

As Eddy carefully flipped through the next pages, he couldn’t help a smile. There were pictures of him and Brett together. It varied a lot too. There were pics of them together in their hotel room, them on their picnic with friends, them on a world tour, and many more. It was nice to look back at these memories.

He kept flipping through, reliving every memory he had with Brett. There were even some stolen shots of him there, he couldn’t help but smile. Oh how he missed his boyfriend. 

Soon enough, he finally reached a page with handwriting again.

Hey again<3

I hope you liked all the photos that I placed here, I thought it would help you feel better when I’m gone so yeah. Also about the stolen pics, sorry not sorry ;)

Eddy smiled again, with tears in his eyes.

Now, I once again apologize for leaving you clueless about everything. I didn’t want you to know that I was sick the entire time and I don’t want you to get worried. I know if I did, you wouldn’t let me move a muscle and you’d probably do everything for me. I can’t let you do that, y’know? All I could do now for you to know is wrte this letter.  I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you that I had cancer. I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you I only had a couple of months left to live. I’m sorry if I’m such a bad boyfriend. You’d basically do everything to me and here I am who lied about his condition. I’m so sorry for that. 

Anyways, I really wish you’re doing okay there. I know it would take some time for you to process everything. All I want to say is thank you for everything. Thank you for your care, your love for me, and all the other things you did and gave to me. I am forever grateful.

I will see you in another life

I love you till death, Eddy <3

And with that Eddy’s emotion scattered again as he sobbed again and again, holding himself as he curled in his sofa. He couldn’t help but cry all over again. Why does it have to be Brett to get cancer? Life is so cruel. 

He tried to bite his tongue to stop sobbing but it wasn’t helping either. 

All he wanted was Brett. His boyfriend.

He closed his eyes and whispered “I love you too, love. I miss you a lot.”


//heyaa, I hope you guys like the story! I hope it did make sense so yeah!//

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