Hidden Smile

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TW: Mentions of suicide


“Hey, thanks for helping me with music theory.” Eddy thanked Brett as they walked out of the school. Music theory was definitely some hard shit. At least someone was there to help him.

“No worries, I’d do anything for you.” Brett laughed.

“Oh god, stop being so cheesy. This is why Ray thinks we’re married.” Eddy laughed back as he playfully pushed Brett away. 

Eddy was glad to have Brett with him. He was always there whenever he’s at his lowest. He was one of the reasons why he’s still alive. Yes, you heard him right. Eddy tried to stay happy and positive like he used to be but it was so exhausting. He had been taking therapy once or twice a week but sometimes he felt like it wasn’t doing much of a difference. It felt like all he was being given right now was these shitty “Happy pills”. 

Eddy tried to hide all of these to Brett and it seems to be working. Brett is very easy to fool half the time. He was somewhat thankful for that as he didn’t want Brett to worry about him, he didn’t want him to be dragged down because of him.

After a few minutes of walking, Eddy finally arrived at his place. Eddy gave his friend a big hug before bidding his goodbye. He entered the house only to face his dad lying on the couch with a bottle of wine in his hand. His face contorted as the smell of cigarette smoke filled the place. He slowly made his way to his room, to avoid confronting his drunk dad. 

Gladly, he made it in his room alive. He slowly closed the door and sighed. He quickly changed into his comfortable clothes and sat on his desk. As he tried to work on his homework, he could hear screaming from downstairs. He groaned and covered his ears, obviously not wanting to hear the arguments anymore. It was getting sickening to just sit and listen there. 

Eddy got out of his seat and plopped himself in his bed, he couldn’t handle this anymore. He felt so tired, he doesn't want this anymore. He sat up again and got his phone and texted Brett. Soon after, he got out of his room but he didn’t want to witness the fight so he got out from his window. Thankfully, a tree was near so he was able to climb down safely.

Eddy walked away from his place and headed somewhere. 

Soon enough, he was facing a bridge. Eddy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remembering the fun times he and Brett had on this bridge. They’d always used this place as their meet up spot and maybe just take a rest and drink bubble tea together. He will definitely miss those times. And he will definitely miss his one and only best friend, Brett.

He held onto the railings of the bridge and slowly started to stand up on it. Eddy took a deep breath and counted “1…...2…...3-”

Before he could do anything, he was quickly pulled down by someone. He didn’t even dare to look as he knew who that person was based on the voice.

“What the hell, bro?!” Brett yelled at him. 

“Please leave me be. I don’t want this anymore.” Eddy croaked as he tried to stand up again. 

“What do you mean?! I mean- what- did I do something wrong?” Brett responded as he blinked away the tears. “Why are you doing this? Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Because what, Eddy?!” Brett screamed back, not caring if other people heard them. “You promised you’d stay and… and w-we’d do everything together-”

Listening to Brett, yelling and crying just made him guilty. He just wanted to disappear through thin air and not be seen again. He just looked at the ground, not speaking at all.

“Answer me please. Why do you wanna end it like this huh?” Brett sobbed as he tried shaking Eddy. 

“I don’t expect a happy ending anymore, Brett.” He whispered oh so softly. It might not be audible to everyone but it sure was for Brett. “I just want an ending..”

“No, please don’t. I need you.” Brett said as he hugged Eddy tightly, sobbing as he did. “I w-would be lost with… without you.”

Eddy didn’t even realize he was crying until he noticed droplets falling in his glasses. He wiped them shakily and slowly melted in the hug, burying his head in Brett’s shoulder. The emotions he tried to hide started to flow out as the sobs started to wrack his body. “I… I c-can’t do this a-anymore.”

He held onto Brett tightly as the tears kept coming. It felt like Niagara falls took over him as the endless tears and emotions kept pouring out. It was so hard to bottle everything up without anyone knowing. 

“Shh, everything is gonna be alright.” Brett hushed him as he rubbed his friend’s back. Now it was his turn to feel bad for him. 

The hug stayed for what seemed like hours to both of them. Soon enough, it was Eddy who untangled himself from the hug. He looked at Brett whose eyes were just as red as his. The two looked at each other silently, not knowing what to say. 

“Please don’t leave yet.” Brett said as he clenched his fist. 

Eddy nodded lightly, not saying a word. Everything felt numb.

“Come on, let’s go to my place. Let’s talk about this.”

Eddy followed him silently and didn’t say a word. They both went to Brett’s place and maybe Eddy will finally open up to him. Who knows what could happen next?

//okay I know this one is a bit short but I'll make it up for the next one :D//

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