The Date

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//Okay hello, I completely forgot to post this story yesterday so here. better late than never ;-;//

“I can’t fucking do this!”

Eddy panicked as he covered his face and sighed. Today is Brett and Eddy’s first date together and it's clear Eddy doesn’t know what to do. He looked at his friend, Ray. “Should I just cancel it?”

“What?! No! You worked up the guts to ask him out. Now it's time to show him how you feel!” Ray exclaimed, trying to help his friend out.

“I know but, I just, It’s- Aghhh, why is it so nerve wrecking?”

“It’s definitely gonna be like this at first. But trust me, you’ll get used to it!” Ray said as he pulled Eddy from his sitting position and fixed his collar up. How nice of him.

“I just hope it goes well.”

“It will be, dumbass. Don’t overthink everything.” Ray retorted "I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? I swear you do nothing but breathe and Brett will look like he met jesus!"

“Alright, you can fuck off now.” Eddy rolled his eyes on Ray’s last comment. That description is a bit too much. Eddy is nowhere near perfect and he’s just scared that Brett may dislike him for that. All he wanted to happen now was for the date to go smoothly.

Thankfully, Ray was there to help him set the perfect picnic date. He knew he could count on his friend. After all, Ray has always been supportive of their relationship so he was really happy about that.

After a few minutes of panicking, Eddy was finally able to calm himself down. Although, it didn’t really stop him from being nervous. It was their first date after all, he wanted it to be perfect.  

Eddy breathed heavily and looked once again in the mirror, making sure he looked neat. Brett would be arriving soon so he really couldn’t sit still. He started pacing around, anxious as ever. What else was he gonna do anyway?

Ray was in the other room, helping in the kitchen, preparing the meals. As he was doing so, he noticed his friend walking around, then looking at the mirror every minute. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Typical Eddy, nervous as always. 

“Hey Ed, come here. You need a break from all that walking.” Ray called his friend then pulled his arm.

Eddy had no choice but to follow Ray. He sat down in one of the chairs and sighed. He watched his friend move around and gave him a small plate. 

Ray handed him a small amount of spaghetti to try out “Here, maybe this can help you calm you down.”

“Thanks.” Eddy replied as he took a big bite of the spaghetti. He hummed after the bite, it tasted so good. He knew he could count on Ray whenever he needed someone to cook.

“I know, I’m a good chef and I deserve a raise.” Ray joked.

The two laughed at the joke. Soon enough, Eddy’s anxiety was starting to ease off a little and he was glad. He was really glad that Ray was there to help him out. With enough time, Eddy was able to relax until Brett arrived.

Eddy turned abruptly as soon as he heard a knock. He breathed heavily and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he could feel his heart skip a beat. Brett was standing there, all dressed up. Brett was wearing a white polo with a matching vest and some nice pants.

Eddy gulped at the sight “Wow. You look nice.”

“O-oh. Thank you. You too.” Brett blushed and smiled at the compliment.

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