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Brett was finally out of his classes.

He was relieved to be out of school. He could finally have some time to relax or maybe practice a little bit of violin, too. Yes, he plays violin. He is very passionate about it and dreams about becoming a soloist one day.

Brett decided to go to a nearby seaside. He was able to find a hidden spot near the seaside a few months ago. Soon after, the seaside is his comfort place. Whenever he felt sad or when he needs a break, the seaside is always the first place that comes to his mind.

Brett lurked around, maing sure no on sees him or follows him. He didn't want anyone to know about this hidden spot. He quickly looked back again and quickly entered. With a heavy sigh, he sat down under a tree and placed his violin case and bag beside him. Oh how he love the scent of the seaside.

"Ah finally, some peace and quiet." Brett mumbled to himself.

He closed his eyes for a bit and enjoyed the sounds of the sea. It was definitely relaxing. Soon enough, Brett quickly grabbed a book from his bag and started reading. Finally, a time to read and relax. He didn't care if his parents start to worry anymore, all he wants is time for himself.

After reading for almost an hour, he was ready to go home. He packed up his book and stood up, ready to leave. As he was about to leave the quiet area, he suddenly heard some rustling. Brett's heart began to beat faster as soon as he heard it. He immediately got scared, thinking it was a guard or maybe police. He panicked and looked everywhere for escape but found none. He was left with no choice but just to run.

With a nervous glance, he quickly grabbed his bag and violin and just ran for it. He couldn't care less if his spot was no longer secret, all he wants is to not be caught by cops. While running, he took a glance at his back, making sure no one followed. He immediately regret that move as he bumped into a wall, making him fall hard on his butt.

"Ouch!" Brett hissed. "What the heck?"

"Oh my, I am so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to!" The so-called wall apologized.

Brett fixed his askew glasses and squinted. Turns out, it wasn't a wall that he bumped in to. It was a kid! Brett was forever thankful for that. "Oh jeez, sorry about that. I didn't see you there."

"It's alright. I couldn't see you well either." The kid responded.

Brett stood up and dusted himself up. "You probably need glasses like me y'know."

"Glasses?" The kid asked curiously. "What are glasses?"

Brett stared at the younger kid. How could he not know what glasses were? He's pretty sure those things existed a long time ago, even before he was born. He soon laughed, thinking it was some sort of joke "Haha, nice one."

The kid just stared at him.

"You're actually serious?"

The kid nodded, making Brett dumbfounded.

"Oh jeez, uhh, okay." He clapped his hands before he started to explain. "Glasses are like the ones I'm wearing right now. It helps my vision so I can see better."

"Ohh, that's cool! Where can I get one?"

"Well, I had to go to an optometrist first before I got them so yeah." Brett explained further. "They're like eye doctors, they check your eyes to make sure if you actually need one."

The kid nodded again. Who knew getting glasses were this hard. "Wow, that sounds hard to do."

"It sounds hard but with help of parents, you don't have to worry!" Brett replied again.

After their somewhat awkward conversation, everything became silent. They both kind of just stared at each other awkwardly. Well, this is difficult. The silence soon broke as Brett's phone began to ring.

He frantically looked through his bag and quickly grabbed his phone. He then answered it.

"Hello?" Brett answered in mandarin.

"Don't you 'hello' me here! Come back home now, do you want to live outside forever?!" Brett's mom yelled at him through his phone, making him blush from embarrasment.

"Okay. I'll come home now." He timidly reply his mom and ended the call.

He looked at the kid again and apologized "Really sorry, but I got to go now. My mum's looking for me."

"Oh no worries." The kid replied.

Before he left, he completely remembered something. He forgot introduce himself! He must do that first or that would be rude of him!

"Oh yeah, I'm Brett." He said as he took his hand out, expecting to shake the kids' hand.

"Oh, uhh, I'm Eddy." The kid was hesitant but he shook his hand anyway. He gave a tender smile before letting go. "I'm also 9 years old."

"Oh, so you're younger than me. Cool!" Brett exclaimed. Finally, a friend that isn't older than him. "Anyways, I'll see you around?"


Brett gave a quick smile and left, leaving Eddy standing there.

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