Chapter 44: A Bloody Bargain

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Evelyn had lost all concept of time as her horse sped through the forest. How long has it been since she had left the castle grounds? Moments, or hours? All that was known to her were certain sensations.

The biting wind against her skin, the warm unending stream of tears falling past her cheeks until it too was swept away with the snow behind her. The painful aching in her heart, and the pounding in her head--due to anger or distraught, or a mixture of both, she was still uncertain.

That was all that her weary soul could register--or, dared to comprehend at the moment.

Her tears veiled her eyes, so that everything was slightly obscured, and the tall trees flew past her like black shadows.

She barely perceived what her horse was approaching, or what had spooked him, but suddenly her ride had reared, neighing with such ferocity and his dark eyes wide with inexplicable fear. 

Time again seemed to allude her as she fell, tossed behind the steed in his panic. She caught sight of the snowflakes falling about her, shivering slightly as they were disturbed by her presence, but nevertheless  gliding to their eventual rest. 

No fear consumed her, nor could she think of what troubled her before the fall.

Everything was peace, in the land of the Snow Fae.

She wanted to think of herself as akin to the peaceful forms about her-- no care to trouble her but the acceptance of her inevitable descent, and awaiting the gentle embrace of the earth.

The earth's embrace was everything but gentle, however.

Her lungs burned painfully in their desire for air as she struggled to breathe from the force of the fall. The adrenaline to fight for life brought her quickly back to her senses. 

She could not simply exist as the snow fae, she had to struggle to survive, as all must do. 

Toil, Pain, and sorrow were unavoidable in this fate of existence. 

With this sudden sense of reality, and the will to survive reviving with each catch of breath, She suddenly remembered that she was not alone. 

The horse had run off, having a strong sense of danger,  but little concern for his companion.

Looking about her, she perceived nothing out of the ordinary. She was surrounded by a black and white world of snow, rock and tree. 

There seemed to be no life around her.

And yet, a strong buzz filled the air. A feeling she often associated with magic.

Her heart leapt at once, and unrestrainedly it spoke a forbidden word.


This hopeful thought proliferated throughout her very marrow.

She was disgusted at her hearts forgetfulness.

Nevertheless, she knew that her hope was wrong. This energy was much different from the prince's-- more chaotic and brooding.

And yet, she had met this energy once before.

"I know you're there." She said lowly, "You cannot spook me so easily as that beast."

She calmly searched the land before her for movement, but all she saw was the gentle descending dance of the snow.

"Oh, but its so fun to make others scream." Nessa mused from behind her, cruel laughter ringing in her voice.

Evelyn turned to face her, and eyed her smiling expression with distrust. 

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