Chapter 41: Brave

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"Courage is found in unlikely places." 
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Evelyn stared at the staircase's marbled railings with such intensity that she imagined that she looked insane.

She listened closely, willing to use anything as an excuse to take her mind off of her shaking hands. She was expecting to hear some unfamiliar memory, one that belonged to the castle when it was young, as it whispered to her most nights, but instead she was confronted with a familiar voice.

Although, it had been very long since it had graced her senses.

"Be brave, my little one." Her mother advised, her swallow breaths causing her to speak in such a hushed tone that Evelyn had to strain to hear her.

She could see her mother's hair sprawled out on the pillow about her head, like a golden wreath as the candlelight caught the different shades of warmth in her hair. 

It was evident even to Evelyn at such a young age, that death was enticing her mother closer, singing its song of rest like an alluring siren. It was a struggle for her mother to keep her eyes open, and every time they shut, Evelyn was convinced that she had given into the melody. But her mother's chest would rise suddenly again, almost as if this arduous motion was reminding her to look upon her daughter.

"If you are brave in the small things, so in turn will you be brave with the truly frightening things in life."

Evelyn  reached out to grab her mother's hand, which was colder to the touch than she expected, but when the memory faded she realized that the only thing she had grasped was the marble railing.

Although the memory brought  back a tinge of sadness, it was enough to fill her with strength and drive her frightened frame into motion. 

Standing up straighter and taking a deep breath,  she allowed the tension in her body to release as she exhaled and began her descent. With each step she repeated her mother's words, until finally they no longer felt like weak words to soothe a terrified child, but an affirmation of what she already was. 

She didn't allow herself to look up until she was halfway down the staircase, already feeling an intense gaze directed towards her. Although she expected to see his watchful eyes, she could not calm the drumming of her heart that his gaze produced. 

The only sound was the soft murmuring of the skirts of her dress, which seemed to end in a delightful sigh as she reached the last step. She placed her hand in his offered one, trying to hide the slight shiver that ran through her body as he brought her hand to his lips, his eyes still drinking up her beauty.

"You look beautiful, Evelyn." Loki said, almost breathless.

Although Evelyn felt as if she had assumed an air of gracefulness, her mouth, which moved without her permission, still struggled to match that outward bearing. 

"So do you," Then realizing what she said, quickly rushed: "Oh, I mean handsome-"

Her face immediately burned with embarrassment and her hands flew to hind her face. 

What happened to that brave spirit?  She thought to herself.

"Nervous?" Loki chuckled softly.

She allowed her fingers to spread, allowing some space for her to see his delightful smirk. Peeking through this barrier of protection, she nodded, "Is it that obvious?"

Loki gently grabbed her hands away from her face, smiling softly.

"You have nothing to be worried about." He said trying to sooth her, "This is a celebration for all that you've accomplished."

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