Chapter 36: Shade

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Evelyn steady herself on the railings of the stairs she was descending, she could still feel the slight tremor in her hands as Loki's words still seemed to softly whisper throughout the halls:

"You can make even the most solemn and dreary ceremony of Asgard one of the most exuberant with your presence alone."

She couldn't tell if the overwhelming wave of weakness she was feeling was from his company or the constant use of her powers that night. Either way her mind was buzzing with his tender words, his warm looks, and the glimpses of the past he had generously revealed to her.

 He seemed to have somehow changed completely overnight, as if he had been freed from some burden and could finally breathe.

Evelyn couldn't help but think perhaps it had something to do with that spell he had been slaving over, only to decide that night to abandon it. Although she was curious about the man he had mentioned in need of such a spell, she found that her head was spinning far too much to speculate.

Nevertheless, she couldn't shake the weight that his words held when he said, "The price is something I can't pay anymore."

"Lady Evelyn!" Roth exclaimed behind her, causing Loki's voice to fall away.

She would've jumped with surprise at his sudden appearance, but she had grown use to the magic around him always seeming to announce his presence as it hummed lowly with energy.

"Roth." She managed a weak smile as she turned to greet him.

His own smile dropped quickly when he saw her face was drained of color.

"Are you alright, lady Evelyn?" He quickly held her, steadying her as she made her way to a window. "You weren't this pale when you were with my brother."

She smirked, showing that he needn't be too concerned for her.

"Oh?" she sang, "Were you spying on us?"

Roth rolled his eyes lightheartedly as he opened the window, allowing the night's breeze to fall upon her face. He felt better when her cheeks reddened from the sudden breath of cold.

"I worry for my witch." He said sincerely, before shrugging, "Besides, illusions can get bored too."

Evelyn scrunched her nose at the term witch. It wasn't her most favorite title, mostly because overtime people had attached to it a lowly meaning rather than that of honor that it use to uphold--but she didn't correct Roth. Instead she saw that he too had many things disturbing his mind, and her health was only one of them. 

It hurt to see him so miserable, she had grown quite fond of him over her time at the castle. He often kept her company as she practice her spells late at night, always eager to offer encouragement when her spells did not turn out right, or ready to join her in her triumph once she mastered a spell. 

Frea had accompanied her most nights, yes, but she advised her more with a motherly authority sometimes making it harder for Evelyn to focus, scared she would fail her. 

But she was never afraid to disappoint Roth, for he refused to allow her to get too caught up in her head. She wondered if that was how he usually helped Loki, always ready to save him from his thoughts or insecurities.

Either way she enjoyed his company, and she was mad at herself for not noticing that perhaps Roth needed someone else to save him from his thoughts as well.

"You're more than an illusion, Roth." She said softly, after a long pause. 

Roth quickly met her gaze, surprised by what she had just said, and also by the knowing in her eyes. She had always seemed wiser than most her age, something he had always admired in the girl.

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