Chapter 3: Cursed

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"From the end, spring new beginnings."

-Pliny the Elder

Angry shouts and complaints rang throughout the halls in the throne room, seeming to magnify in volume as each noble and commoner tried their best to be heard. Odin sat in his throne as he rubbed his temples and tried to process what each man had to say.

Frigga stood by her husband, her face blank and hiding her panic.

It didn't take the people long before they showed up; it started out small but then they became larger in number and more passionate each day.

It all happened Ever since that night. A night she would never forget.

The night her son finally broke.

She will never forget the look of helpleness in his eyes. He refused to look at her, begged her to leave. He was ashamed of himself, of who he was.

It didn't take long for the prisoners to notice that state the Prince was in, they taunted him unceasingly. They broke him down even further than thought possible.

Loki had never been able to control the powers that came with his jotun form, so of course they mirrored his feelings. First the air in Asgard became colder than it had ever been normal for summer. And then a storm appeared overnight, out of control and bitter cold. The people stayed huddled in their homes by the fire, the howling of the wind ringing through the air.

The ones who were brave to venture out immediately made their way to the King, and this is where we had left our King and Queen, just a few days after the first appearance of he storm.

"You must do something about this storm! Our crops are dying."

"We will not last much longer if this continues."

"My King! If we do not die of starvation, we will surely die of the bitter cold."

"ENOUGH!" Odin's voice silenced all as he stood from his throne. "There is little I can do against a storm like this."

"Oh but thats a lie." A figure in the corner hissed. "You know excatly whats causing this."

Odin narrowed his eye at the hooded figure.

The person came forward and faced the crowd saying, " Their beast of a son is responible for this! He has finally given into the cursed bloodline of his true father."

Frigga's eyes widened, this information was not ment to leave the little few who knew.

"Well what do you expect us to do." Odin said softly.

"Kill him, before we do!" A man cried, accompanied by the shouts of the people gathered.

"We will do nothing of the sort!" Frigga said firmly.

"Frigga-" Odin tried to argue.

"He is our son!"

" You know that is not true."

Frigga was disgusted, and was at a loss for words for a few moments. She glared at Odin before turning her deathly glare to the peole.

"This storm will be taken care of by tomorrow, go back to your homes."

" It better be, or that beast will be dead." One of the commoners had the nerve to say before turning around with the others and heading back home.

Frigga turned back to Odin, " Loki will not be killed."

Odin sighed heavily, " Then what are to do?"

She had been planning since the storm happened if anything like this should happen.

"The eastern castle." She said suddenly.

"Yes, my family left it when we made our kingdom here.But what does that have to do with anything?"

"We shall put him there."

"But what of the storm?" Odin asked.

"It should follow him, and without the taunts of the prisoners he should be able to control it later."

"Just because you put him in a castle far away from the palace does not nessecarily mean that no one can enter and he can't escape." The voice of the mysterious person under the hood says as they reapear from behind a pillar. A slight chuckle in their voice.

"Why are you lingering? I told you to leave!" Frigga says as anger wells up inside her.

"I am here to help you." She says as she pulls of her cloak, showing a beauiful face.

"How can I trust someone who hides their identity and turns the people against our son?"

"Because I know a way to keep your son safe."

"How?" Odin asks leaning foward in his chair.

" I know a spell, an ancient one. One that could keep those who want to kill your son out, and your son in as long as he stays in his cursed form."


After much convincing the woman finally won over the King and the Queen and was promised her reward after everything was finished.

So In the dead of the night Frigga, Loki, and the women headed east to the border of Asgard with the storm following at their heels.

When they made it to the eastern castle Loki turned to his mother.

"I don't understand why are we here? Why after all this time and all the things I've done do you now choose to banish me?" The winds becomes a little sharper.

His words broke Figga's heart, " I don't want to do this Loki, but there are others that want you dead because they don't understand you like I do. I am putting you here to keep you safe."

The woman, who had not sopken a word, rose her arms and began to recite a spell.

"What are you doing?" He asked her and stepped back.

"A spell of protection, to keep those with wrong intentions out."

Loki furrowed his eyebrows, " And me in?"

"Smart boy." She said with a smirk. "Rid yourself of this cursed form, and you will be free to leave."

Frigga glared at her before looking back at her son to see what he would say. But Loki didn't say anything, he nodded to her to tell her to continue.

As the woman finished her spell a flash of gold shot out of her hands and fell onto the perimeter of the castle encasing Loki in golden dome before fading away.

" I love you my son."

So this is the end of the introduction to everything and it will get much more exciting!

Thanks for reading :)

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